Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

i x 6 The Covenant of IVork! Chap.17. Reafons pro- ving the eftà- hlifl,ment of a Miniftery to he perpetuated th; ough all. ages.. A people thus brought into Covenant, do not alwayes come up to the termes of the Covenant ; all Covenanters keep not Co- venant, their hearts are not Ready in it; therefore there is no leffe neceílity of a Miniftery in eftablifhed Churches, to keep up a people in Covenant with God and through the termes of the Covenant to bring them to the happinefl'e promifed ; Theirs is -the work of watering, of building on anothers foundation, of preaching Chrift where Chrift before at leaft was known by name, and in force fort profeffed. That there was finch .a Mini - ftery in the Church of the Jewes to teach Jacob his Laws, and J( rael his judgemenes,to require what God in Covenant called for,is not denied, that a Miniftery was neceffary in the Primitive Apo ftolique times,to work men into Covenant, and for the plantati- on of Churches,is confeft likewife. But when the Apoftles left the world, then this order (as force fay) fell with them, all Mini - fteriall power died with them. We are made to beleeve, (faith onef becaufe the Apo files Were ordained by God to be Teachers of the people, and endued with gifts for that end, that therefore there is a like d:vine,though fecret Ordination from God in the making of our /l4inif}ers. Compafiionate Samaritane, rage 24, 25. But if the Sc$iptures may be heard,chis may footle be decided : I íhall there- fore by arguments make it appeare. Firft, that God bath effablifhed a Miniftery, and appointed it- through all the ages of the world to be perpetuated. Secondly, I- fhall give reafons to manifeft the necefliity of fuck. a Miniftery to be thus eftablifhed and continued. T hat fuch a one is eftablifhed, appears Firft, By thework that they have to do, given them in commit lion by Chrift Jefì s, Matth. 2F:. 19 20. Go, Difciple all Nations, baptizng them in the name of the Father, the Sonne, and the Holy Ghoft, teaching them to obferve all things whatfoever I have com- manded you. Here is commiflion given for the difpenfatión of 1 the Word and Sacraments. That of the Word, is either for lay ing the firft foundation, or for the fuperftruc ion, either for their work of planting, preaching where Chrift was never known- by name ; or elfe forwatering , to carry on that happy beginning, Their firft work in laying the firft foundation, is given in charge in there word, Difciple all Nations, which was not the work of one age, though Egeßpprid (as he is quoted by Doter .Andrews,. Preface.: