A Preface tothe Reader. }ion, but meerly (as the Reader may fee) as an object of fcorne, manifefling his high difpleafure againfi any :man (pointing them out by name,) that had fo much as in com- mon difcourfe given any approbation of my paines. And becaufe my words as he findes them from my hand,will not ferve his defigne,he is put to it to render them,both in words and fenfe his own, which though he bath heard of, and hash not been able to anfwer one charge of ten, of fuch his falli- fications, yet he holds on in his wonted way, and both in his Apology and Antidote (hewed himfelf fo groffely guilty, that a man might think he had at once caft offall regard,either of confcience or reputation. Several pens have, been employed to examine thisExamen,a lift wherof he gives his Reader ;To thefe he replies joyntly in a Treatife which he ftiles not an Anfwer,(as indeed it is not)but anApol.and fuch a one, that a learned friend of mine certified me before I faw it, that it re- quired not any anfwer to it,but anApol.for it-,My anfwer gi- ven to thatExamen in which I was fo much concerned,com- ing in after all the reft, and as it appears to his hands (I know notby what honeft artifice)peice -meal from thePreflè,I am not taken in till p. 77.and there I am faluted;But that I may bear more then an equall fhare he lets upon me apart in a PoftĂcript,containing more then one half as much paper, as he had fpent on all the other ; And this he entitles cal Po fl- fcript,wherein is a Reply to Maher BlakesAn finer of myLetter; but what kinde of Reply he can meane, I know not how to conjecture; upon occafion of Mr. Vines & Mr.calamy's tefti- mony (where they are pleafed to fay that my Anfwer is for argument finewy, and for languagemodeft) he faiesp. i ix .. of hisApology,whether this Anfwer f Mr.Blakes be finewy far Argument, I hope in time to examine; fo that the firength of the finews (this Apology notwithftanding) by his own con- feffion remains; Tet untried ; And page 2. he faith, his caufe contains either the matter, or the manner of his Treatifes, and plainly