Chap.19. and the Covenant of Grace. 135 cunning Height may be carried in the dark, and their impoftures lie undifcovered ; our compaffionate man pretending to avoid a cheat , ads the part of the moft notable cheater. The Prophet I flood for that office of the Priefts, that their lips fhould preferve knowledge,even when they had corrupted the Covenant of Levi; whatfoever their way was, yet this was their duty;fo muff. we for the Stewards of the myfteries ofGod, it is their work to difpenfe them and the people are to feek at their mouths for them. But enough I hope hath been (poke for a Miniftery , for a knowing Miniftery , and objedions againft it fully fa- tisfied. CHAP. X I X. n orderly way of admifsion of men into the Mini - fleriall function neceffary. S men for the Miniftery are to be trained up for the work, fo L there muff be an orderly way of admittance to it ; the way which Scripture traces out to us. Self- confecration is alone be- feeming the Priefts of jeroboam, 2 Chrou. 13.9. The loweft of the people that have neither infpiraticn nor education , filch that haze been t inght of men (not any thing. that may conduce to the Ì dividing of the word arigbt;but)how to keep cattell, Zach. t 3. S. or forne anfwerable employment, in its due place commendable, but no introduction to the Minifteriall honour. Thefe run, and [flay not for fending, and going withont commiffion , they go without afliftance, and foon runne themfelves into thofe bogges, in which without fpeciall grace they are irrecoverably plunged; thefe want home- reproofs, The Watands of riends, Zach. 13.6. that they may no ringer treare a rough garment to deceive (which was a marke and cognizance of Prophets) that they prefume not to fpeak in a publick way for edification exhortation and do&- rine ; when the Apoflle layes down the greateft neceffity of preaching he puts the queftion , IÍou fhall they preach,unle fe they be lent ? Men that go upon this work, muff be able to make good their call. The Miniftery of the Gofpel Ong of divine inftitution, as well as the Prieflhood of the Law; there muff be a call Self- confecra- tion to the Minifieriall work unwar- rantable,