Chap. i 9. and the Covenant of Grace. I37 reas, fee at large in Mafter Hallhis Pulpit guarded, /frgu. S. This power of putting men into this work , equally concernes the wholeTrinity ; each one of the perlons bath his hand in the fe- paration of men for it; Jefus Chria in a vifion fent Paul upon this errand, Aí s 26. 18. I Corinth. 1.17, Ephef, 4, z I, He is yet an Apofile by the rrillof God, Col. r. i. which is underftood of the Father. God fet in the Church, firs flpoflle.r fecondarily Pro- phets , I Cor. 12. 2S The Holy Ghofl hash here yet an hand, "Pas 13. 2. The Holy 9hofflaid, Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the Workwhereunto l have called them, As 20. 28. Take heed therefore unto jour Pelves, and to all the flock over which the Holy Ghofi hbath made you overfeers,tofeed the Church of God,which he hash purchafed With his own blood, And this fending or authorizing is as their gifting, or fitting , either extraordinary and immediate, nothing of man intervening or elfe mediate by mans Miniflery and his approbation. maul had both in an immediate way, both his authority and ability for the work ; he profeffes that he is an Apoale, not of man, nor by man ; he owes it not to man as the Author (fo may any Minifter of Chrift fay,) he owes it not to man as an inftrument ; fo only Prophets and Apoftles can fay : As his Calling was thus immediate , fo in like fort was his inflrudions for it, Gal. I. 12. For I neither received it of man neither Was 1 taught it ; but by the Revelation of 7efua Chrift. They that divide, thefe are exceedingly to blame, affirming authority without man, but confefiing that for abilities, as they mull look up to God , fo they mull make ufe ofman, mull apply themfelves to reading and make ufe of the helps of others. The immediate Call is by Vifion Revelation or whatfoever other way God pleafes to manifeft himfelf. Thus in a vifion Paul was called ; where that is not, the mediate Call only remaines, which is the way of all that attaine to gifts by education, lludy, and the blefling of heaven on their endeavours. This is called as in Scripture, fo in Church - writers by the name of Ordination, and the whole work containing as well that which is effentiall to it, as the adjunets of it, may be thus defcribed. An açl of men in a IWinifterial funaion affociated in a Preibyterie, letting forne a- part upooproofe and examination, as 'Presbyters and Elders in the Church, by falling and praying with impolition of hares. We finde no other but men in Miniflerial function in all the holy Scriptures T ac`fing The call of God is either extraordinary and immediate, or ordinary and mediate by the Mini fiery of men, The immedi, ate call is by vifion, revela- tion, &c. The mediate and ordinary call is by Or- dination. Ordination defcribed, and in the feverall parts of it ex- plained.