Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

A Preface to the Reader. call Jewifh fprinklings by the naine of Baptifines:'Heb.9. io. whether the garments of warrioursbefmeared and fprink- led with blood are not :laid to be baptized, Revel. 19. I3. and I fay 63. r. compared? and then he may fee whither his jeere reacheth. Mr.Baxter tells himhe never law Infant fprinkled; but were they fprinkled, and that practice an Er- ror, (which Mr. Tombes will never evince till he bath holpen us to a new Edition of the Greek Teff. & corre ted our Le- xicons) `yet muff it be a Dagon-worfhip :' He is very angry with Mr.Ley becaufe he hears from him the name ofGoliab; fure that moufter never uttered more reviling wordsagainff the armies oflfrael,then he Both againff the church ofChrift; was he himfelf baptized into Dagon Do all the Churches of Chrift (in the midft of which he walks) fall down before Dagon :' Was he fomany yeers a worfhipper of Dagon It is wonder that when Mr. Tombes comes in that glory (as he imagines) to bring an Arke againft it, that this Dagon doth not fall flat down before it! This he plainly enough fig - nifies was his high expe &ations; Prxcufor, pag.2. he faies he fuppofed affoone as he appeared,his brethren in theMini- fferywould have joyned:but he fadly complain of the con- trary. Whether it were (faith he) that mens re/%lutions were pitched on the patterns of other Churches, or fwayed with preju- dice, or fear of fomething elfe, I quickly found my hopes decei- ved; my very Venting from them though in this candid man- ner begetting enmity towards me, and notwithflanding my rea fans prefented to them, Pxdobaptifme of ablif bed in the Dire- ¿fory. That Afff'mbly, or any other member of it (or any one that obferves the Directory by them fet out) may tell him that this is no fufficient enumeration. There is that (by him not named) that lies at the root, and makes men his ad- verfaries uponhis diffent.They upon trial have found his ar- guments to be both illogical, and atheologiaj; void of Art, and more remote from any divine Scripture- grounds . The moff.