Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

Chap. 2 r . and the Covenant 6fGrace. .55 The law and teftimony lead us for Affuránce to our own hearts , excufing or condemning in the particulars mentioned; And if our hearts condemne us not , then have we confidence towards God ; and zvhatfoever we ask!, we receive of him, becaawfe we keep his com- mandments, anddo thofe things that are pleating in his fight. An1 this is his commandment, that we Jbould beleeve on the name of his '1 Ron 7e/u4 Chrift , and love one another as he gave us commandment,' a John 3 21,22,23. And if the ftreffe of all had not lien here., Chrift had never compared the Profeffor that hears and does nor, to the foolifh builder that raifes his hopes of falvation on a Tandy j foundation , upon a bare title of an empty profeflion, without, any well grounded intereff; and the Profeffor that hears and does, to the man that builds on a rock raifes his hopes of falvation ¡ on a foundation , that never will deceive : neither would the I Pfalmift have concluded that Then he (hall not be afhamed, (his hope would not make him afhamed) when he had reffic,51 unto all Gods commandments, Pfal. 119. 6. And howfoever our doing, does nothing byway of merit; yet our doing through grace (in which beleeving is comprized , which is the command of God, 1 John 3.23.) does all; taking in the Spirits help to clear the 1 integrity ofthefe works, by way of Affurance. And though it.¡ be no evidence of our fubfiftence in grace; and therefore the A- I poftle durst not refit on that bottome will not be found in his ow righteoufnefe; yet it is the foundation of our evidence. The A- poftle gives it in command to Timothy , Charge them that are rich in this World, that they be not high minded, nor troll in uncertain riches but in the living God, whogiveth tss richly all things to enjoy; that they do good,that they be rich in goodworks,ready to diflribute, willing to communicate ; giving this in as the end of all , Laying up inRore for themfelves agood foundation ag'ainfi the time to come,that they may lay hold on eternall life, 1 Tim. 6, a 7, i ?,19. God bath ordainedthefe,that we fhoold walk in them, Ephef..2. io. and walk- ing in them, we are pronounced bleffed , mfal, 119, 1; 2. The efficient caufe of our happineffe is grace, the free favour and good will ofGod towards man Being juflifaed freely by his grace, Rom. 3.24. The formal caufe, is the imputation of Chrifts righteou4 neffe without ours , when we fall fhort of the righr.eourneffe of the Law ; Chrift is the end of the Law for righteoufne f e Rom. I o, 3. Therefore the Apoftle obferves, that David de1èribes the ble f - X2 fedne f fie k