Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

,Chap.2 3. The Old and New. Covenant. I 3 datkneffe that was with other people , and their land was called a valley ofvifons, Ifay 22. r. Yet, it was little more then dark. neffe, comparative to that light which in Gofpel times is reveal- ed. Chrift was a Minifter of circumcifion, and when he began his Miniftery in the land of Zebulon and Nepthali; the Text fayes, The people that fate in äarkne ff e Taw a ¿rent light, Mat. 4. 16. and circumcifion in fundry refpeäs, was both a Priviledge, and a Bondage. A Priviledge, Rom,;. z. A great mercy to have light let in at any crevife , promifes any way fealed and ratified to us. A Bondage, At -is r$. io. To live in fo dim a .light, and to be laden in fo burdenfome a way, was a heavie yoke ; fo that as the Apoftle putting the queftion What advantage the ew had, and what priviledge there was ofcircumcifon, above and before the Gentile? Rom. 3.1. Anfwers, Much every way, and gives in his reafon of the preheminence ; fo in cafe the queftion fhould be, What advantage loath the Chriftian , and what priviledge there it of Baptifine,above and before the Jew? Anfwer may be made, Much every way, and the reafon given of the preheminence in Gofpel- times in the particulars above mentioned ; fo that the New Co- venant, is a better Covenant, etabliJhed span better protnifes, Heb. 8.6. Promifes more full and clear. Though it muff be confeff, that a Chriftians preheminence above the jewes , doth not equal! a Jewes preheminence above the Gentile. The Jew was in Co- venant with God , and was heire of the Promife. The Gentiles were aliens from the Common- wealth of lfrael firangers from the Covenant of Promife ; having no hope, and without god in the world, Ephef. 2. 12. The Jew was in the fame Covenant in his time, as Chriftians are in Gofpel- times. There is not a promife in the New Covenant , whether it be for priviledges conferred upon us, or graces wrought in us ; but by the help of that light we may finde in the Old Covenant the fame held out us , as after will be more clearly manifefted. The betternelfe is in the greater cafe, freed from that bondage of the ceremonial! yoke, and in their more diftinctt clearnelfe. The glory of all that the Covenant doth tender, being in fo clear and full a way held out in Gofpel- times, That he that is leafs in the Kingdome of God, under the glory of the New Teftament- revelation, is greater in the way of fleries then ?ohn Baptift, who was the greateft °of Prophets, greater then a Prophet. Thofe Prophets that did forefee, fore- Y 7 fhew, In a ¡late of darknefs com- parative to C hriftians. A