1 4 The Old and New Covenant. Chap. 2 3. thew the Birth, Life, Death, Refurre&ion, Afcenfion of Chrift, the triumphant conqueft of his enemies,his glory at the right hand of his Father. The fpreading of the Gofpel the call of the Gentiles, did not themfelves fee it, as now the meanest that are in Chrift do understand it , no more then they who now preach through Chrift the Refurre&ion of the dead, the everlafting bliffe of glorified Saints in their eternal fruition of Gods prefence, are able to underftand it in that meafure , as the meaneft that then shall have the happinelfe to enjoy it. 6. They differ in the Seales annext for either of their ratification and confirmation ; for howfoever they are ofthe fame ufe, leading to one and the fame thing fignified. The Jews had Christ in their Sacraments, i Cor. i o. 4. i Cor. 5.7. and we have no more in ours ; yet they differ in the outward flampe or effigies, as I may fo fpeak as well that of imitation , as that ofcorroboration. The initiating Sacrament ofthe Jews (which gave them the de- nomination of the people of God) was that painfull circumcifion in the fleíh , fignum vile & incivile yet thole that would be the Lords, did, and muff fubmit unto it, All of e../9brahams feed with him, received that figne ; And all of thofe that with him would . joyne unto !he Lord. This was to be the leading Sacrament; he that was not circumcifed in the fleih might not eat of the Paffe- over, Exod. t 2.48. cflnd whra aßranger/hall fojourne with thee, and will keep the Paffeover unto the Lord , let alike males be circum- cifed, andthen let him come neer and keep it ; and he /hall be as one that is borne in the land, for no uncircumcifed perton'hail eat thereof. A full Text against Matter Tombes, pleading for an unbaptized perfons admilfion to the Lords Table ; God will not fuffer that diforder, that the leading Sacrament fhould come after. The in- tiating Sacrament with Chriftians is that of Baptifine; no fowler was a man brought into Covenant, but he was ftreight baptized; affoon as he made profeflion, he had this fealing engaging figne the application of water which is of an abfterfive cleanfing na- ture, implying our ftaine and guilt, and leading us thither where purification and freedome is found ; the Spirit and blood ofJefus Chrift. The following Sacrament in the Old Covenant, was that . of the Paffeover; a Lambe without blemifh to be eaten in the place and way that God prefcribed. That in the New Tefta- ment is the Supper of. the Lord in ordinary, common, ufefull, and neceffa