Chap.24. The Old and New Covenant. X65 neceffary elements, Bread and Wine of a ftrengthening and cheering nature, Pfe 1. 104.15. Implying our fainting , feeble elate, our difconfolate and fad condition, leading us, where we may finde both ftrength and confolation. CHAP. XXIV. Pot Lions tending to clear the fri Covenant, undër old Tefiament-difpenfations. j Efore I proceed to the examination ofthofe fuppofed differ- 3 ences, which force have brought in to the prejudice of both Covenants; I fhall lay down certain pofitions to give form light for the more clear underftanding,efpecially of the Old Covenant, and to help us (if it may be ) in our judgements of them both, as well in their agreement, as their feverall, differ- ences. Firft Pofition , That a God delivered unto Adam in Paradife, not only a law or rule of life, but alfo a Covenant ((ts was before fhew- ed;) fo Mofes in A -jaunt Sinai delivered unto the people ofthe ?ewes, not a lain or rule only, but a Covenant lil_eWife. This might be con- firmed at large, but that others have fully done it ; and I know not that there is any adverfary that appeares in it. The name of a Covenant infrequently given to it, 'Dent. 4.. 13. He declared unto you the Covenant, which he commanded you to performe even ten Commandments. Se.e 2. Kings J 8.1 2. 2 Chron. 6. i i All the effentials of a Covenant beforementioned, parties confent, con- ditions, are found in it, as we may fee in that one Text, Dent. 26, a y, z 8. Thou haft avouched the Lord this day to be thy God, to Walk in his wayes,and the Lord hash avouched thee, this day to be hu peculiar people, as he hath promifed thee. Yea, the folemnities of a Cove- nant (as Matter Burger hath obferved Vindicia .legís, pag. 220 may be teen in it; Covenants are wont to be with Sacrifices a- mong the people of God, Gen. 15. 9, ro, IS. compared. end' he Paid unto him, rage me an heifer of three years old, anda fhe -goat of trhee years old, and a ram of three years old, and a turtle dove, and a young pigeon ; and he took unto him all thefe , añd divided them in.the midfi, and laid each peece, one againft another; but the birds Y 3 divided:' Mofes delivered a Covenant from God to Ifrael in Mount Sinai.