Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

i 66 The Old and Nezv Covenant. Chap. 24. Mofes delivered a Covenart of Grace to If- rad. divided he not. In that fame day the Lord made a Covenant with Abraham, Paying, Vnto thy feed have I given this land, from th ri- ver of Egypt, unto the great river, the river Euphrates. And fo allo among the Heathen, by a cuftome borrowed from them, all their Covenants (of which we read) being of later (landing then that of Abraham. The Poet tells us of a Covenant between Romulau,the firtt Founder of Rome,and I at uiKing of the Sabines. Po /to certamine Reges e4rmati, j`övis ante aras pateráfgue tenentes Stabant,& cafi jungebant faders porci. Covenants ufed to be written and kept for a memorial! , thefe are written with Gods own hand in ten Words, or Commande- ments and laid upon the Arke 2 Chfon. 6, I I. The whole at large by lilófei in thofe foure Books of Exodus, Leviticu, Num- bers, Deuteronomy. Secondly, T his Covenant delivered by Mofes to the people of Ifrael, was a Covenant of .Grace, the¡ (ubflonce with this under which we live in f ofpel- times, This is fo largely proved to my hand by Mailer Rail in his Treatife of the Covenant, page 102, 103, z e4. and Matter Rurges in his Vindacia legis, pag. 224, 225. that I may fpare my paines; yet in briefe, That Covenant which teacheth Chrift , in which men attaine falvation that accepts men upon repentance , in which there is pardon of fin , and in which the heart is circumcifed of God; that is a Covenant of Grace. One of thefe fingle will evince it, much more in their joynt ftrength will they conclude it; But the Covenant delivered by lidofes, was filch a Covenant. In that Covenant Chrift was taught, lohn 5, 46, 47. Had ye beleeved Mofes, ye would have beleeved me ; but if ye beleeve not Mofes,honn Willye beleeve my, Words? Whence the collection is plaine Be- leevers of Mofes, Beleevers of Chrifi; and Rejecters of (..Mofes, are Rejecters of Chrifl : See Luke 24. 25, 26, With 44, 45, 46. John J. 1.5. Aels 26. 22, 23. Rom. 3. 2,, 22. The Prophecies, Promifrs, Types, Genealogies Sacraments under that Covenant (whether ordinary or extraordinary)all held forthChrift as might be eafily fhewen in their feverall particulars. In that Covenant the people of the Jews attained falvation and were not only fed with tempora!'t Promifes and a Covenant meerly carnal ; not looking above or beyond the land of Canaan, as than be íhewen: In