Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

Chap.24. The Old and New Covenant. I 67 In this Covenant men are accepted, and received into mercy and favour upon repentance ; when thou Bart intribulation, and all thefe'thiqs are come upon thee in the later days, if thou turne to the Lord thy God, and _Thal be obede,vt to his voice, (for the Lord thy God is a merciful God) he will not forfa%e thee , neither .defray thee, nor forget the Covenant of thy fathers which he frvare unto them, Deut.4. 32, 31. In this Covenant there is pardon of fin ( the great priviledge of the New Covenant lieb, 8. 12 ) The Lord proclaimes himfelf to Mofes ; The Lord, the Lord God, merciful, andgracious long fuffering , and abundant iingoodne ff'e and truth, keeping mercy for thoufands, forgiving iniquity, tranfgref on and" Exod.3 .6,7.See Exod.32.3 r,32, zChron. 7.'I4.Pfal z5.i r.Pfal, In this Covenant the heart is circumcifed, (another great priviledge of the New Covenant, tieb.S.) 4nd the Lord thy God will circumcife thy heart,and the heart of thy feed,to love the Lord thy God.All of thefe,any of thefe hold out a Covenant of Grace. Thirdly, The ten Commandments, which are called the Co- venant of God, Dent. 4. 13. 2 (bran. 6. i r. ( all that Mo/es de- livered to Ifrctel, being there epitomized) holds forth a Covenant of Grace, and not of Works. This appeares in the-Preface, in- finuating Gods grace and goodneffe to that people bringing them out of the land of Egypt, and the houfe of 'Bondage. Which deliverance had more in it then a bare temporal mercy; other - wife their pafl'ag'e through the red Sea could have been no Bap- tifme,as the Apoftle calls it, z Co.. i o. I. Neither had it been any ac`f of juftifying faith in Mofes to obferve the Pafreover , which yet the Apoftle obferves, lieb. r 1.28. Then their Rock and Manna had been a viaticum in the way, but no Sacrament. There God avoucheth hirnfelf to be the God of that people ; I am the Lord thy God , and he was a God in Covenant to none of mankinde fallen,but by an ac`f ofgrace.It appears in the firftCommandment, God requires them to accept him , and cleave unto him, which cannot be done but through Chrift..It appeares in the fe- cond Commandment; in the preceptive part of it,which conteines the whole Ceremonial Law, in which pardon offinne was found. through Chrift. Thither Interpreters reduce all the Sacrifices, Types, Sacraments of the Jewes. It appeares in the reafons an- next to that precept which as it threatens judgement on tranf- grefï'ours of the Law ;. fo mercy to thofe that obferve it, mercy. is The ten Com- mandements delivered by Mofs, were of this Covenant of Grace.