Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

168 Being a Cove- nant of Grace, it could by no means be a Covenant of Works. What this Co- verdant is to any,it is to all. The Old and New Covenant. Chap.24, is an aft of Grace, and not vouchfafed but in Chrift. It appears in the fifth Commandment, in the promife there annext, and faflened to it ; fo that this Covenant ( or this fumme or epitome of the Covenant between God and his people) which was put into the Arke and the Mercy-feat or propitiatory fet upon it, in the moil holy place, Exod. 26.34. was a Covenant of Grace. Fourthly, This Covenant (delivered, by Mofes and epitomized in the Decalogue) being a Covenant of Grace , it could by no means be in the whole and entire nature of it , a Covenant of Works. This is plaine God Both not at once with the fame people enter Covenant upon fo oppofite termes ; Thefe are dotíç-aati, either of them deftruftive to the other ; we may argue concerning the Covenant, as the Apoflle doth concerning E- leftion: If by grace, then it ú no more ofworks, otherwife grace ú no more grace ; but if it be of works, then it ú no more grace, other- wife veork,it no more work, This I fpeak as for their fakes , that make it a mixt Covenant, fuch a one as TT -ants adverfaries preacht in the Churches of Galatia ; fo alfo for their fakes, that alert it to be a Covenant of Works, never undertaking any anfwer to thofe arguments, which fo clearly conclude it to be a Covenant of Grace. Fifthly, what this Covenant is to any, that it ú to all whether it be of work! or of ; What it ú in it felf in the tender and termes of it , that ú the denomination of it. This is pláine mens faith or unbelief, mens obedience or tranfgref ion, cannot diverfifie the nature of that which God doth tender; And what God fpake to the people, he fpake to all the people, the fame to all that he fpake to any , Exodus 19. 25. Exodus 20. 18. compared, and therefore that is a miflake in Mailer Powell, where he faith, page 20Z. That the Law is doubtle f fe a pore Covenant of works to forre men, but not to all. If it be a pure Covenant of Works to any, it is a Covenant of Grace to none ; and which is more ilrange, af- firming in the very entrance into his Book, page 2. with a folemne afï'everation , that he takes the ten Commandments for a Covenant of works, & giving this for his reafon,they are often in Scripture cal- led a Covenant, reafoning ,agenere ad f eciem affirmativè, as though there were r:o other Covenant then that of Works ; yet explain- ing himfelf haw it is a Covenant of Works, page 206. he faith, It it a Covenant of workf orcafionally and accidentally and only to thofe