Chap.24. The Old and New Covenant. i69 thole which are not related to, comprehended in or made partakers of the Covenant of Grace. He fhould rather have faid , that the ten Commandments had been a Covenant ofGrace,butfometimes by an accident or efpecial occafion had become a Covenant ofWorks, which yet could not have held. 1 he Covenant of Grace and the Covenant of Works are two ditfinft and oppofite Species they have one and the fame univocal Genus , ofwhofe nature they e- qually partake. Therefore as the Oxe can by no occafion or accident, be a Horfe, or a Horfe a Sheep, or a Sheep a Lion, or a Lion a man ; fo a Covenant of Grace , can by no occafion or accident be a Covenant of Works ; one and the fame thing in- tended for one end , may occafionally and accidentally have a- nother event ; as the Miniftery intending falvation may prove an aggravation of condemnation ; but no occafion or accident can change the nature of any thing, into that which is of a kinde oppofite to ir,and different from it. And in fuch cafes where the event is hindred, and another happens; the denomination is and muff be from the primary intention. The Apoffle calls the Gofpel the power of God to falvation, Rom. i . 16. The word is cal- led the word of Life, though to force through their obffinacy it turne to condemnation, and to death. If Maffer ?owel in this queffion take liberty to differ from all (as himfelf profefeth, pg. 200.) I hope he will not be difpleafed, if all differ from him, Hanc veniam petimifque adimaífque vicilim. Sixthly, In Mofes time, and under his adminiffration , commands Under Mo/'es Were frequent and full, as well ceremonial, as moral, as alto menaces, hisadminif}ra- The diretlive and maleditlive part of the Law Were clear and open, wands crere for difcovery of in, to work to afenfe of danger , to put them- in a po- frequent and Pure to lock for and long after the Meffiah ; But the prcmifes more full , fpirituall obfcure (1 mean thepromifes ofeternity) fcaree knoWn , any other- pr( es were wife then as they Were fliadoWWed out intemporalithings. This (as the r`rre' and nleiç Apoffle fhewes) was figured by that vaile, which was before °hi``'re. Moles his face, when he fpake with the people upon the ream- ing of the Tables ; C1'Tofes his face upon his convene with God in the Meurt, (hone wich that glory, that Aaron and all the child- ren of /pat/were afraid to come nigh, Exod, 34 30. Afterwards he fpeaks to the people, and talkes with them ; ßn41 till he had done .keakl inQ with them be put a vaile before his face, verf. 33. Whereupon the Apoffle having entred comparifon between the Z Mini-