Chap. 2 4. The Old and New Covenant. him out and eternal! life in him to thofe that fearch them. And they fufpec`lring , (by that intimacy of communion that he profeft to have with the Father and the heavy charge that he laid upon them) that he was about to accule them to the Father; Chrift puts it offfrom himfelf, and puts it upon one that they had lean' in fufpition, even Mofes, Mofes in whom they trufled , in whom they pretended ,o repofe confidence ; It is he that is ready to accule them, not of breach of the Law, or tranfgreflion of any command of his, (which they could eafiiier have;beleeved) but of unbelief of Mofes ; T ou have one that accufethyou, even Mofes, in Whomyou tru fi; for had ye beleeved Mofes, ye Would have bed °eved me , for he wrote of me. Unbelief in Chril , fet forth in Mofes, is a finne which Mofes his writings fhall charge upon them : So alto in that fpeech of Chrift to the two Difciples in the way to Emmaus, O ye fools and flow of heart, to beleeve all :bat the Prophets have ffioken ; ought not Chrift to have fu fferte thofe things, and to enter into his?lory ? where we fee them charged with fin , in that ithey underflood not Chrift in the Prophets, Chrift in Mojes, as followes there in the next words ; Beginning at Mofes and all the { Prophets , he expot-rded unto them in all the Scriptures the things con- cerning inmfelf, Luke 24 25, 26, 27. They that c1 ell at ?erti[diem and their Rulers, becatsfe they knew him not, nor yet the 7 Dices of the Prophets which are read every Sabbath. day, they fulfilled them in con- demning him) Ads 13. 27> Lightly, T here are thofe phrafes in Mofes, which are ordinarily Many phcafes quoted, as holding out a Covenant of Work!, and in a rigid interpre- ileuj u over tation are no other; yet in a ÿua ified f'en /e, in a GcJael fenf , and ac- tan - .idmini- cordivg to Scripture -ufe cf the phrafe,`theyholdout a Covenant of ft:.tion fcei - Grace, and the termes and conditions ofit ; To inftance force fear, ino,ly holding .Deut. 4. I. Now therefore hearkei3011rael, unto the ilatates, and Out a cove unto the judgements_Which I teach you to do them that ye may live, 11t1íófWork`;, avid o in and poffe e the land which the Lord tG} od o our fa: hers Div` ng to g P 1r ire of sc -tore u{è etbyou. Deut. 5. 33. T out fball wal!Ze in all the waayes which the Lord [1ak1}oitt a Co your God loath commanded you, that ye may live , and that it may be ocnant of Well with you, andthat ye may prolong your dayes in the land which Grace. ye (hall pofrefje. Deut. 30. 16. in that 1 command thee this day to love the Lord thy God to walke in his 'Wayes and too keep ht- corn- ma:sdments,and his ffatutes, and his judgements, that thou may/eft live and multiply, and the Lord thy Gast fhall ble ff thee in the land whither Z , thou '