172 The Old and New Covenant. Chap. 24 thougoeß to pofJeffe it. Deut. 6. 24., 25. And the Lord commanded tts to do all thef e ter ,to fear the Lord our God for our goodalwayes, that he might preferve ur alive, u it is this day. And it Ad be our right eotfne f fe if we obferve to do all there Commandements before the Lord our God,, as_ he hath commanded scs. We may fo interpret thofe Scriptures (and the Jewes,as it appeares for a great part,did fo interpret them) that they hold out a Covenant of Works,when Grace is not acknowledged to afüftin doing , nor Chrift known at all fatisfie for failing ,and to expiate for tranfgreffion. Thefe fee nothing but a reward upon labour, and punifhment in cafe of tranfgreffion. They may yet be fo interpreted as taking Grace in the Work,for change of the heart,and putting it into a pofture for obedience, according to that even in Mofes, Dent. 3o. 6. 1 will circumcife the heart, and the heart of thy feed , to love the Lord thy god with all thine heart, and with all thy foul, that thou maye ft live. As alto upon fight of their guilt ( which their offer of Sacrifice dick imply) the neceßìty of remiffion, to which the blood of their Sacrifice did lead , and fo thefe duties are only Gofpel qualifi- cations of truth and fincerity of obedience. Jn this fenfe (which they may well Beare, and I take to be their native fenfe) here is.. no more then what we finde in the Gofpel , then we finde from, Chrift and the Apoffles. They that bave d'negood, fh.ill rife un- to the ref rre0-on of life, John 5. 28. To them that by parient ontin ting in well -doing , feekjor glory and immortality eternali life, Rom. z. 5. Where Maffer Baxterr raeflionift (as in many other places) may fee, that according to the New Covenant a man may make the attaining of life the end of his work, and,the Read, er may fee p! rafes of this nature to be New Covenant, New Te- ftament and Gofpel- language; unleffe they will charge Chriff and the A f oft es to have Old Teftament- fpirits. To fave a mans Pelf may be fo underftood as to bear a fenfe purely legal] anti -E- vangelical and oppofite to Grace or Faith in Chrift, and fo it is ufed by the A poftle or a phrafe very near it; For by Grace: ye. are faved through Faith, not of your felies, it is the gift ofGod, Eph. 2.8. Not obfcurely fhewing,that if we are faved of our felves, it is not ofGrace, not of Faith, and not the gift of God. Yet the phrafe nay be underftood in a Gofpel- fenfe, as requiring and implying no more then our endeavour in a flare oFGrace,through he affiftance of the Spirit , to walk in Salvation -way, to ftrive to