Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

Chap. 24. The Old ,and New Covenant. to enter in at the (trait gate, and to feek; the Kingdome of God, and the righteoufneffe of it, and fo we finde it ufed , and that more then once in Scripture, i Tim. 4. io. Take heed unto thy felf, and onto the dotlrine ; in fo doing thou wilt lave thy felf, and them that hear thee. Minifters taking heed to do&i ine, fave hearers , and yet are no faviours in oppofition, but in fubor- dination to the Lord Jefus ; Minifters and others taking heed to themfelves, fave themfelves, and yet are no felf- faviours in oppo- fition to free grace, the merit of, or faith in Chrift Jefus ; Peter in his firft Sermon after receiving of the Holy Ghoft preacht,_ the Gofpel, yet he urged this which fome will have to be no other then a Covenant of Works ; With many other words did he teflifie and exhort, Paying, Save your felves from this untoward generation, As 2.4o. And the Apoftle preacht no other thing then Chrift and him crucified when he called on the Phílippiam/ to wort, out their oWn falvation With fear and trembling , Phil ip. 2. 12. To be found in our oWn righteoufneffe, in that;enfethat Paul ufes it; Phil 3.8. Both exclude the righteoufneffe of aith, that mutt be no bottome on which he dare ftand; yet in the fenfe that.Ezekiel ufes it, the foul is delivered by it, Though Noah Daniel , ald Job fleod before me, they would but deliver their oWn foales by their riohteoufne ffe, Ezek. 14.14.. fo Ezek. t 8. 22. In his righteot f- re that he bath done he Jhall live; Noah was an heir of the righ te- ou ie fe offaith, Heb. 11.7. as the Holy Ghoft himfelf witneffeth;. yet the fame Holy Ghoft tells us,that his oWn righteot fne(fe delivers bù foal. So Solomon faith ,Righteoufne f fe delivers from death;he Both not only fay,it would deliver were it exa &,and cornpleat,but fuck as it is., itdoth deliver, Prov. 20.2. David (as Tau/ obferves) de- fcribeth the bleffedneffe of the man unto whom God imputeth ri9;1iteou(2 re fe without work!, Rom. 4.6. Yet the fame David puts bleffed° neffe upon works, '7) fal. 1 r 2. 1. Ble(fed ú the man that part!, the Lord, that delighteth greatly in his Commandments. Pfal. i 19. 120 Ble fed are ,the undefiled in the way,who walk in the Law of the Lord;., Rlefl'ed are they that keep his tellimonies, that feekhim with the whole heart, Pf.1 28.1. Ele(fed ú every one that feareth the Lordsthat wail 9th in his wayes. And fo alfo the Apoftie James, Who fo looketh into the per fs1 Law ofLiberty, andcontinsteth therein,not being _et forget- ful hearer,but a doer ofthe Work,ëJed in hi! deed,. 7ames 1. 23. The Apoftle Teter tells us, We arekept by the migh- Z 3 >t73