Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

Chap. 2 5 .. The Old and New Covenant. 1?5 fay unto you, if you be circumcifed , ('hrifi ,/hall profit yon nothing, Gal. 5: 2. So that the Law abftraâed from Chrift (as the greater part of the Jewes took it)was a Miniftery of condemnation, 2Cor. 3.9 It could never reach fo high as falvation ; but including Chrift, it was perfec ,and faves the foul, Pfal, 19.7." All the Ce- remonial) Fabrick looked upon as abfolute of it felf, without far- ther relation the Apoftle thinks he can never fufficiently vilifie it; we fee what titles he gives thefe Ordinances, weak and begger- ly elements, Gal. ^ . 9. Rudiments of thu world, Col. 2. 8. But being taken in their relative confideration as a S6hool- mafter to Chrift, they are an atonement , a fweet favour, They are fo cal- led, times without end ; the honour due to Chrift (who was an Offering and a Sacrifice to God for a fweet fmelling favour, Eph. 5. a. and by whom we receive the atonement, Rom. 5. i t.) with- out derogation from Chrift is given to them ; not by way of op- pofition, but fubordination ; and not by mans device but Gods appointment ; not holding the foul from him but minifterially ferviceable to lead to him. CHAP. X X V. The old Covenant was not made up of meere carnali and temporall Promifes, but contained toge- ther with the New Covenant - Promifes that were lirituall. "-- HefeFofitionspremifed to clear ourwayinafartherpro- greffe in this thing I fhould now look into thofe differ- ences , which feveral parties have not found in, but made between thefe Covenants; and to reckon up all,which fpme have at leaft hinted and touched upon, I fhould weary both my felf and the Reader. He that pleafes may finde them numeroufly reckoned up by Mailer Tall in his TreatifeoftheCovena.-it, page 94, 95, 96. with his general) cenfure and diflike of the moft of them, though fparing a particular refutation which I alto (hall forbear ; fo many of them as are differences indeed, , will fall in with thofe before' delivered , and the other will fall before that,' which::