>«6 The frit ima- ginary differ- ence between the Old and New Cove- nant. Ad literam non fui f fe promigio- nem remiffionis peccatorum, fed peculiaris pro - teíiionis C7' gu- beruationis QT terren e fcelici- tat L1. The Old and New Covenant. Chap. 2 5. which hath, and (God willing) may be fpoken. There are on. ly foure of which I (hall (by Gods affiftance) take notice, upon which much controverfie depends. The two former beinginjuri. ' ous to the Old Covenant, laying it too low; the two latter putting too great a limit to the New Covenant, in refpeel of its latitude and extent. Firff, The Old Covenant, under which the fathers lived, and which Circumcifon fealed (fay föme) Was a carnali Covenant, and con- tained only earthly promifes, the mercies of the land of Canaan, fuck as Were in this t -fe to be enjoyed: But the Nero Covenant under Which ure live in Coif el-times , and which Baptifine feales, containes l pirituall mercies andpriviledges , bath promifes ofeverlailing fal- vatíon. In the device of this difference Papifts have led the way, and Socinians and Anabaptifts follow. Bellar. 1. a °. De Baptifmo, cap. 4. faith (and referres to what he had faid before upon the queftion of the difference of the Sacraments of the Old and New Covenant) that the promife of God to Abraham , 1 will be thy God, and the God of ay feed, was not in the letter of it any promife of tor- giveneffe offinnes, but of fpecial protection, providence and worldly happinefe with whom Stapleton and Becan the Jefuits joyne hands, as they are quoted by Charnier, lib.5, de BRptifmo, caps t. fec. r a . though Vafgtiex, one of their fraternity dif= Tents ; And 'Matter Blackwood in his Storme of Antichrifls Garrifon (as he calls it) of In- `Promifio terrena erat annexa carnali Circumcifioni, b: <c fola ad vetvn Teftamenium pertinebat; contrari- um afferere,quod facie Calvinus, nihil eft aliud , gram ex legeEvangelium Tacere, t ' omnia confundere. Bellar. lib. z. de e$èc. Sac. Cap. 17. The feveral in- terefls for which the air nation of tivs difference ferves. I. To decry all Old Tetla- ment-Scri- ptures. fant- Baptifine, pag. 3 r. faith, That theje are itwo Covenants effentially differing. The farti was carnali, typicall; and page 3 2. fhewing the difference between Baptifme and Cir- cumcifion , he faith , Circumcifion figned a right to Canaan , Raptifine fignesa right to the death ans.(atisfatlion of Chrill. This difference of the Covenants (however the reality of it will appeare in the Scriptures) ferves for feverall in- terefts. r. It is the high way to bring down all the honour and efteem of Old Teftament- Scriptures ; If the promifes there mentioned be (as thofe of the Turkifh Alcoran) fenfual and carnal, yea, in- feriour to them , feeing they muff determine with this life; who can put fueh eftimate upon them ? efpecially having at hand by them in the New Covenant, Promifes lafting to eternity. This doctrine