Chap. 2 5 . The Old and New Covenant. 177 doctrine bath produced thofe Atheiftical jeers and blafphemies, Old Te(lament -men, Old Teffamentlirits; yea, by inevitable confequence ( if it may ftand ) it will bring the bane and ruine ofNew Teftament- Scriptures along with it. The Old and New Teflament- Scriptures as couples in ancient buildings fo anfwer one the other, that neither can ftand if either fall ; It is the Gofpel of Jefus Chrift that we feek in New Teftament- Scriptures. Now that there it is defined to be , that which God before promifed by hir 'Prophets concerning his Son Chrift 7e/ta , Rom. i . 2. In the promife of the Prophets then this mutt be found. A righteoufnefs of Faith we there leek ; now this righteouihefl'e is witneffed by the Law and the Prophets, Rom. 3.2 r. They mutt then be heard witneffing Chrift is the All that there we look after ; now he mutt be an Old Teftament- Chrift (whom the Law and Prophets hold out to us,) or elfe he is not the Chrift of God ; All the vili- fying reproaches which are fattened on the Old Teftament fall upon the head of the New Teftament; yea, upon Chrift Jefus, z .To takeall z. It wholly takes Infants out of all Covenant with God; inEznts out of That great Charter 1 will be thy God, and ehe God of thy feed, con- , Covenant. taming only carnal promifes, and thofe proper to that people, this I is determined, and now no Covenant for them remaines. I Hence Papifts and Antipædobaptifts have their refpective ad- vantages; The Papifts hence conclude Infants- damnation, dy- ing before they are taken of God into Covenant by Baptifme,and the Antipædobaptifts joyning with them in the premiffes ; will they, null they, they mutt be enforced to yield the conclufion. 1 They may fret and ftorme about the charge of it Mafter Tombes j may dip his pen as deep in gall as it can reach yet he (hail never ! wipe it off. All out of Covenant with God being no Church - IMembers, having no title to Church-Memberthip,are in a perifh- I ing condition, is a Scripture-Poficion above all his exceptions. In I cafe he with his fellowes will fubfcribe (as they do) to the Po- pith Tenent , that Infants in their firft birth flare are out of Co- venant, and in no better condition then the children of Heathens ( except the hope of better education) then they mutt agree, in Infants - condemnation. 3 Antipaedobaptifls hence finde a way to keepinfants from ;.To keep ln- Baptifine being out of Covenant, they have no right to any faits from Fa- _ A a leale pdfr,e.