Chap.25, The Old and Nez Covenant. I 79 ther people that were without Covenant had there mercies from God, they were protected, and provided for by him ; Leave thy fatherleffe children unto me, and let thy Widows troll in me ( faith the Lord to the people of Edom,) I will keep them alive , 7erem. 49. I I. The woman of Canaan thought it a priviledge for dogs to eat of the crumbs that fallfrom the cbildrer,s table ; for Gentiles (who were without Covenant) to partake of any little of the mer- cy that the people of God in Covenant did enjoy ; But if this glofl'e of the Covenant may ftand, the dogs crumbs , are beyond all the childrens provifion. They will not leave their crumbs for all that is fet on the childrent table. It maÿ feem a high fpeech of Luther after his manner, that the Turkifh Empire how great fo_ ever , is but a crumb that the great !Wafter of the Family calls to the dogs ; yet this is above whatever lfrael had in Canaan, if we look at no mote then a temporal pofl'eflion ; d fhmael the fon of the bond-woman muff be call out, not to be heir with the fon of the free - woman, Geri. 21. I O. He and hispoflerity mull be caff out of Covenant, and in Ifaac the feed muff be called. If there were no mere then the poi eíBon of Canaan, the fon of the bond- woman had the better of the bargain; 1.hmaelites in earthly pol- feffìons exceeding If aelites ; Efau had not need to have como plained fo much of the Joffe of his birth - right, and his brothers fupplantation of him ; If Jacob had gained no,more then a pof- feflìon for his pofterity in Canaan, having had that blefling both promifed and performed ; 7 hat his dwelling fhould be the fat neffe of the earth, and the deal of heaven from above, Gen. 27. 39, he had fmall caufe of envy of his brothers felicity. How did the Saints of chafe times boalt of God, exult and triumph in him, proclaim- ing his goodneffe, That tberewas no Roc; like their God? If their portion did reach (with the men of this world) only to this life, I none can be able to give a reason. And the Pf:lrnif'- had never fpoken ofitas the worlds portion, in cafe himfelf had looked for no better an inheritance. Providence was indeed (angularly eminent over that people , a people faved bytheir God ; yet confidering their great afPiidions which they í}i11 bore, and heavy chafl.ifements wherewith they were exercifed; if that fpecial care of God had no-.. an influence upon eternity, that blaphernous conclufion of the Orglatour (that a man might lee how much the gods efleemed the Nation of t he Jen,es, ( A a 2 Imperium rur- cicum quantum quantum ca eft grid pate - familas projicit canibra.