Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

i $ o The Old and New Covenant. Thatexpreflioti of a mixt C 6- venant under which the Fa tiers aie ;ùp pofed to live untov ard, Chap. 6.i in that they were fo often carried into captivity) would hardly re- ceive a fatisfying refutation,. Certainly their fufferings were a- bove any other Nation; eArmos 3, 2. You only have 1 known of all the families of the earth therefore I will .,canifh you for all your ini- quities. If then they had their -hope only in this life , and were not chaflened in the world, that they might not be condemned with the world ; as the Apoflle fpeaxs of Chriflians, fo we might fay of the Nation of the Jewes ; Of all Nations in the world they were the moll miferable, See Chamier, lib. 5. de Baptifmo, Cap. i t. Sell, t s. whittakers prtleîtiones de Sacramentis contra Bellar. pag, 125. Rivet. in Gen, 17. Exercitat. 87. CHAP. XXVI. The old Covenant w.0 a pure Goffiel-Covenant and not mixt. 26ty. Tilers that rife not fo high againft the firfl Covenant, as to make it a Covenant meerly carnali ; yet loth to yield to fo much truth, as to confeffe it to be a Covenant Evangelical, have found out a middle way,which yet they think may carry on their interefts, and fay, It is not apure Gofj'el- Covenant, but mixt; and therein differs from the fecond Covenant , which is wholly Evangelicall : So Mailer Tombes Exercitation pag. 2. In which he feems to go but one halfe of the way with his old friends the Jefuites , (from whom in this controverfie he fo mach gleanes) yet farre enough to fit down with Anabaptifls, to call Infants (as he hopes) out of the Covenant and Church- memberfhip and fo exclude them from Saptifine. Here I fhail undertake to make good there foure particulars. I. That this expreffion of Mailer Tombes is very untoward, and fuch that will beare no faire fenfe without the utter over- throw, even of that difference between the Covenants which he would build on this diftin&ion. 2. That the proofe that he brings of this mixture of the firfl Covenant is''ery weak, and not at all cogent. 3. That Mailer Tombes here is not confiant to himfelf,but gives, and takes, and knows not what to determine.