Chap. 2 6. The Old and New Covenant. 8t 4. In cafe all were granted,yet Mafier Tombei knows not how to bring any thing home of all that he fags to ferre his own interefis. His exprefiìon, I fay, is untoward,in denying purity of Gofpel the firfi Covenant, and affirming a mixture. That which is not pure,but mixt , is a compound of pure and impure; fuch that hath tome ingredients,fuch as they ought and others filch that make all adulterate : As filver mingled with dro fJe , or wine zvitb water, Ifa. 1.22. The falfe Teachers ( Saint Pauls A>dverfaries ) preach fuch a mixt Gofpel , a compound of that which was pure, and impure; when they urged with fuch vehemency a mixture of works which caufed the Apofile to fiand in fuch feare of the Corinthians l e ft they l ì ould be drawn a wa y from the fimplicity that is in Chrif , z Cor. I r. 2. I hope Mafier Tombes loth not b:leeve- that the Gofpel which Paul tells us was preached to eflbraham,' Gal. 3.8. was any fuch impure Gofpel. This fure is not his mean- ing he dares not fay that Abraham was under any fuch delufi on ; What then can be his meaning , but that he had promifes, not only of bliffe, and in reference to eternal falvation ; but he had promifes alto of earthly concernment, as that of the land of Canaan,and his plantation there ? This feemes to be his meaning by the words that pxefently follow : The Covenant takes its deno- l!mination from the promifes, but the promifes are mixt ; (cme Evan - lgelicall, belonging to thofe to zvhom the Gofpel belongeth ; force are dameitick r cavilpromifes, fÿeciafly refpeEling the hassle of Abraham, and the policy of Ifrael To this I readily agree, and then his diftin&ion falls to no- thing. Seeing in Gofpel. times , in New Teftament-dayes this I will denominate a not pure but mixt Gofpel ; we are under fuch a Gofpel. 1 know not now we could pray infaith , Give iss th? day our daily bread; in cafe we were without a promife of thefe things, or iiow man could live by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God , in cafe we had no word from God. The Apofile tells us, Godineffe bath the promi (eofthislife, and that which is to come i Tim. q.. 8. It would trouble many a perplexed man in cafe he could not make good, that thofe words, Verily thou [halt ibe fed, Pfal. 37 3. did not at all belong to him. There is no be- leeving man in any relation, but he hath Gofpel- Promifes in con- cernment to that relation, as appeares in that fpeech of 'Roils encouragement of fervants, Ephef, 6. 8. Knowing hat foever for A a 3 good