2 Mailer Tones his proof or it is'very weak. The Old and New Covenant. Chap. 2 6 good thing any man doth, the fane jhall he receive of the Lord, whe. ther he be bond or free. It were ill with all forts, had not they their domeftick relation - promifes. Matter Tombes yet places great confidence in his proofe of this mixture of the Covenant, 4pol. page i 27. He faith , that he bath proved it fo fully, that he wonders that Mafier Marfhal,Mafler Blake and others are not afhamed to except againft it. what the 7e- fuitet fay in this matter, or what the Proteftants fay againfl them, I have not time to examine. The thing au I deliver, it u plain accord- ing to Scripture that there were fume peculiar Promifes made to Abraham, Gen. 17. which are not made to every 7ieleever. To tell ue that godlinefe hath the promife of the life that now ir, I Tim. 4, 8. is nothing to theprefent purpofe for it dash not follow; therefore that godlinere bath the Promife of the land ofCanaan , or that Chrifi fhouldbe every godly mans Geed I think I (ball more gratifie the Reader in leaving this to his fmile, then in giving in any refutati- on of it; If he could aflume that there is no earth but that of Ca- naan or at leafs that no other Promife of earth but that will ferve to make a mixture , then be fpake fomewhat to purpofe ; otherwife it will be beleeved, that our promifes under the Gofpel of things of earth as well fer ve to make up a mixture, as Abra- hams Promife of the land of Canaan. 2. As his expreffion is untoward, fo taking him at the belt, his proofe is weak, That the Covenant takes its denomination from tie 1 rormles ; but the Promifes are mixt. The moft eminent Promi- fes (which containe the marrow of all) give the denomination, and not fuch that are annext as appendants to them. Such as is the Promife of the land of Canaan, an appendant to the great Co- venant made ofGod with Abraham, asChamier with good war- rant from the Text, gen. 17. 7, 8. calls it, lib. de Baptif. cap. fec. The Covenant being made of God to be the God of A- braham and his feed (which might have been made good wherefo- ever they had inhabited or fojourned,) the Promife of Canaan is over and above added to it. 1 he reafon given in by Mr. Tombes, for his diflike of Charniers exprefïion calling it an Appendix to the Covenant, is little to purpofe Pfal. . z o, 11, 1 he gift of the land of Canaan is called a Covenant , and therefore not an ap- pendant to it. t' By the fame reafon Circumcifion muff be the Co- venant, and not a Seale appendant to it; feeing Circumcifion is called