Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

Chap. 2 6. The Old and New Covenant. r 8 3 called a Covenant, Gen,17. 10. Matter ?formes is not ignorant of thefe Scripture - metonymies, 3. As his proofe is weak, to make the Covenant not a pure Gófpel-Covenant,but mixt ; fo in the third place, he is not con- fiant to himfelf, pointing that out which he makes pure Gofpel. (Gea. 17_5. Gen. 15. 5. Gen. 12.3. Geri. 18. 18. illuftrated by fome New Teflament Scriptures, l?om. 4. 17, t S. Gal. 3. 8, g, t 6. 4t1( 3. 25.) he obferves, yea it is to be noted , that thole Pro,nt- fes 1Whach 1t'ere Evangelical according to .the -more inward fen¡'e of the Holy Ghoff do point at the privikdges of Abrahams houfe in the outward face of the words, and thereupon raifes a doubt whether any Covenant made with aßbraham be limply Evangelical ? And fo he can finde out Evangelical Promifes in the inwards of that Covenant which is non - Evangelical in the outward face ; So Bellarmine,with whom he fo much (to fpeak in his own language). fymbolizeth,can finde out fpiritual Evangelical Promifes in that which he concluded to be of another nature denying that the Promife made to Abraham in the letter , was any.promife of for- giveneffe of fins but of ffiecial proteFfiori and government and earthly happine pre ;' yet confeffeth that in a myfticall fenfe they were fpirituall Promifes , both ofpardon of fin, and life eternal!, and that they belong to us, Bellar. de Sacra, Bap. lib. t . Cap. 4, whereupon Charnier obferves, that which is promifed myftically, God in Covenant cloth promife : but heaven is here promifed myttícaily; therefore in this Covenant here is a Prómite of hea- ven ;, fo the inward and outward face will be all Evangelical. Laftly, Matter fombes yet knowes nothow to bring any thing ï home (were all granted) to ferve his intereft. He con- tend that the Evangelical Promifes are vetted in the perfons of 1 true Beleevers. The other civil or domeffick (which ferve to makeup the mixture) were priviledges defcendable and rradu - -1 cible to pofferity, and upon this account Circumcifion of the nay turall feed of Abraham came in for confirmation and kale of what above that was civil, domeftical and non - Evangelical) , and being not confidered as a leading Sacrament of the whole Church, as Baptifine is now, but only of the Jewifh Church, as fuch proper to eAbraham and his pofterity .( and much differing from Ba.' ptifine). it is no argument that we in Gofpeltim }es t'anfmit any fuch priviledge to pofteritya or that our feed before achual faith have M aft et Tombes is not confirm to himfeif in the afíination ot this differ - ence. i i i i 2dy ftico erro.'; ïr,a_ fcnju futfe eti- am fj irttuzlcs f pro;r71 loned' c- remt7fioarisrcc- I catorum ac vi tæ aterra, (...9-' a.í no pertiuere. Mafter Tambes cannot bring ti is fuppofèd difference homé toferve i2isàRtClef,