Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

I 41- Circumcifion was a Seale of ipiritsall mer - 'ciesof the lame that Baptzfine fèaleth. a '13 tor ima runt ejufclem te- (timonza, x qui- busconftat per ' fuafurra olim fuiffe Chriftia- nis, non fizzfJe a lmodr"c diver- ram circumci- fzonis rationem Baptifrai. Cur hodie mu- tatum? gui- don Papifta- rum gratiam;et quidem ad dr- bitrium le rti- tarunz. The Old and New Covenant. Chap. 2 6. have any title to the Covenant. This feemes to be his meaning, to which we have many things to fay. Pirit, That Orthodox Divines both ancient and moderne have made Circumcifion to be of the fame fignification and ufe' as Baptifme and till Anabaptifts doled, they had no adverfaries but Papiffs, who to advance their opts operatum in the Sacraments of the New Teftament, will have them as far to exceed the Old, as heaven loth earth and the fubftance Both the filadow ; this is obferved by Chamier Pan flrat. Cathol. Tom. 4. lib, z. cap 19. Sett. 58. having reckoned up feveral teltimonies to this purpofe, áddes, a T here are very many like tellimonies by which it appeares, that Chriftians were heretoforeperfwaded that there way no fa great difference between Circumcifion and Baptifine ; and why ,faith he,is it now changed ? Truly in favour of the Papi fis and according to the plea fore of the 7efuites. Matter Tombes his conformity in this and many other particulars with thefe men whom he would pretend fo much to oppofe , put him upon it to affirme , that this is no undeniable axiome,that what all the Proteftant Divines- defend again ft the Papifts, muff be truth undeniable, Examen. pag. 113. and holds on Rill in the defence of it, Apolog. pag. 1 3 3. It is more then ftrange that whiles there is light in Egypt for difcovery of divine truth, that there fhould be fuch an univerfal darkneffe in Gofhen; that fo many with fo much zeale following after the truth, when adverfaries have brought it to light, fhould with one voice oppofe it. And Mafler Tombes (ftepping in upon the party of thefe fonnes of Ana/,,) cannot with all his help in brandifhing the fame weapons convince them of it. He is difpleafed, becaufe in my anfwer of his letter I fay , You were well aware that every Wea- pon that you lift up agaiaft this Proteftant DoUrine, was forged on the Iefuites anvill and that in the whole con fláti , you were neceJtated to borrow help from the Philiftin Artifts when you were put upon it to fay, pag. 13. This is no undeniable e4xiome that what all the Proteftant `Divines defend againft the Papi fts mu ft be truth undeni- able, Apolog. page 133. and anfwers, I am Well aWare that s is a loud calumny, the contrary Whereof' is manifeft by the many and heft Pratefiant Divines, 1 quote all along my Examen, and very fel- dome male ufe of a lefuite throughout my Treatifc. It excellently ap» pears to be a cálumny,and, a loud calumny.In his Treatife he quotes many,and the beft Proteftant Divines; and therefore in this parti- cular