Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

Chap.26. The Old and New Covenant. 7 and tlx firf¢-borne of beaffs ; therefore I facrifice unto the Lord all that openeth the Matrix,being males; but all 'the frfi -borne of my children, I redeem. I am fure farre leffe can be faid to carry it to that which is fpiritual of common concernment both to Jews and Chriftians. Fifthly, How is it that the Apoftle giving a definition of it, referres it to nothing national civil or domeftick ; but only to that which is purely fpiritual , fpeaking of Abraham he faith ; He received the figne ofCircumcifion, a jeale of the righteoufneffe of the faith which he had, yet being uncircttmcifed? The righteoufnefs of Faith is aPromife purelyEvangelical,Rom. 3 .22.Rom. 3 .3o. Rom. ro.3.Phi1.3.8. and thisCircumcifion feated,the felffame thing that our Sacraments Peale; So that as their extraordinary Sacraments are expreflely affirmed to be the fame with ours, by the Apoftle, 1 Car. i o. 3. They eat all the fame JJiritual meat and did all drink the fame irituall drink, fo are their appointed eftablìfhed Sacra. merits, Circumcifion, and the Paffeover. Will Matter Tombes with his old friend Bellarmine , lib. I. cap. 17. de Sacramentù in genere, and Mailer Blackwood in his reply to the tenth objection, deny that Circumcifion way anunizierfal feale of Faith, but was on- ly an individual Peale of the individual Faith ofAbraham, and fo all falls to the ground which is fpoken front that Text of the ufe of Circumcifion to the Jews. All that -is -there fpoken,having refer- ence only to Abraham in perfon ; I anfwer. i. This Popifh fhift is flat againft the Apoftle ; He brings it as an argument for proof of t-he way of our juftification to be by Faith alone, which wera meere inconfequence,if proper to him, and not belonging to others. 2. It is flat againft Mofes , who referres this of Circumcifion to the Covenant therementioned, Cg. en. 17.7. But the Covenant is not with Abraham alone , but his feed allo together with him, as is there plaine. 3. It carries feverall abfurdities with it. ( r.) By this means Gods Covenant with Abraham in perfon, and his Covenant with. Chriftians in Gofpel.times is indeed the fame; but his Covenant with all Beleevers in the Old Teftamenteffentially differing A- braham and New Teflament- Beleevers, are under one Covenant; Old Teftament- Beleevers are under a Covenant efentially differ- ing. (2.) Then Zachary, Luk;1.72. interpreting the Covenant B b 2 made