188 The Old and New Covenant. Chap.2 6. ObjeEi. Sol. made with Abraham of falvation by Chrift fhould have limited it to Abraham and not extended it to the Fathers ; but we fee there, all are under one and the fame mercy, our father Abraham; All that followed him,even all that came out of Egypt and were for Canaan, are called Fathers, i Cor. io. i. All our Fathers were under the Cloud, and all paáed through the Sea and all thefe ha d the fame mercy in Promife with Abraham. To performe the mercy ( faith Zachary) promifed to our Fathers , and to remember hù holy Covenant, the oath which he fware to or father Abraham. (3.) Then Abraham himfelf in perfon , and Chriftians in the dayes of the Gofpel are intereffed in Chrift, and all other Beleev- ers in the Law without Chrift ; but the contrary is plaine, Mofes efteemed the reproach ofChrift greater then the treafures of Fgypt. Heb. 11.26. (4.) T hen Abraham and Chriftians have from God the Kingdome of heaven and falvation ; but the refs of the Jews have nothing better then the land of Canaan. They have no more then the Covenant reaches unto, and the feale of the Covenant did confirme ; but the Covenant reaches only temporal Promi- fes, as the land of Canaan, in their opinion. Thefe evafions Bel - larmine is put to, and Anabaptifts are glad to follow,both of them willing to fay any thing rather then confeífe a truth. But they fay, This was a feale to Abraham,of the righteoaafneffe of faith , that he might be. the father of all them that beleeve , mec. But only Abraham fuch a father. Anfiv. This priority of re- ceiving the Faith, and the Pigne and feale, is proper to Abraham; all could not be firft, but father and childe both received it, and both had the righteoufnefs of Faith fealed in it.If Bellarmine pleafe fo well, I (hall referre to Rellarmìnes oppofites Charnier de Sa -. cramentù ingenere, lib. 2. cap. 9. Amef. 'f om 3. more efpecially FFittaker pralettiones de Sacramentis, page 22,, 23. Floc depratio- nis, &c. So that which way foever Malter Tombes takes truth faftens upon him, and the friends of truth fly in his face; And all to make it appear, that a pure Gofpel was preacht to eifbra- ham, The fiat Covenant of truly Evangelical, CHAP.