Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

Chap.27. The Old and New Covenant. 189 CHAP. XXVII. The Covenant of Grace in Gofpel -times admits Chrifti- ans in profefsion in a .Bate of unregeneration, and is not limited in the bounds of it to the Elea regenerate. THe two former fuppofed differences did lay-the firff Cove- nant (we fee) too low , not vouchfafing it the honour of a Gofpel- Covenant, or at the belt a mixt Gofpel ; two others follow (which will hold us longer) that put too great a limit to the fecond Covenant, in refpeet of the latitude and extent of it. A third difference therefore afligned by fome, is,that the firft Covenant took in all the feed of elbraham by If aac and 7acob, as many as profeffed themfelves to be of the Faith, and that were willing to joyne in the woríhip of the God of ef.Ibraham. The New Covenant they affirme, admits nomore then Eleft and Re- generate perlons, The Gofpel (trips us of all relative Covenant - holineffe, of all holineffe that is not reali, and God ownes none, as his Covenant - people, but Eleét- regenerate perfons. In the firfI place we fhall take what is yielded, or at leaft not gainfayed, andafter proceed to the examination of what is affirmed. In Old Teftament- times, the Covenant was made with Ifrael in the uttermoft latitude and extent, with all that bore the name of ifrael, as we may fee, Dent. 29. at large held forth. There is a Covenant entred,and the words of it expreft. T. With 1; rael, verf. 1. 2. With alltfrael, verf 2. 3, With them to whom God had not given an heart to perceive, eyes to fee, and eares to hear, var. 4, viz,, with unregenerate perfons. 4. It ís made with Captaines of Tribes, Elders, Officers, little Ones, Wives, Strangers, hewers of wood, draWersofrrater, verf io, ir. S. With then; that Were prefent, and with them that were abfent , verf. id., i 5. All this clearly fhews in how great a latitude this Covenant is entred; No Ifraelite of any Sex, Age, Ranke,nor any that joynd themfelves to that body are exempted. Which alto farther appears in thofe innumerable places of Scripture where God ownes that. people B b 3 generally,_ A third fi;ppo- fed difference between the Old and New Covenant. All of If-eel were in Cove- nant in Old Teflamenr- times.