Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

19 The Old and Nerv Covenant. Chap.27. generally promífcuoufly as his people , profeffing himfelf to be their God, and he is the God of none but a Covenant- people, of his Covenant- people , others are without God, Ephef, 2.12. He was the God of all that came out of Egypt, Exod. 1 am the Lord thy God , which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt oatt of the houle of Bondage ; (1t all that whole family, Amos 3. 1. Heare this wordthat the Lord hat h #o%en againfi thee, O children of Ifrael, againf the whole fàmilie which I hava brought' up frocs the land of Egypt. Hear O Ifrael, the Lord our God is one Lord, Deut, 6.4. Yea, Ifrael ar the very worff, is thus owned. as Gods in Covenant; Hear,O my people and 1 will teffife unto thee; O Ifrael if thora Wilt hearken unto me : but my people would not heark.entomy voice, Ifrael woul4 have none of me, Pfal. 8r,8,11. The Oxe knowes his owner the Af fe his mafters cribbe but Ifrael doth not know, my people loth not confider, Ifa.1.3. íT herefore my people are-gone into captivity, becauf e they have no lnowledge,Ifa. S , t 3. My people are defiroyed for lack,of knowledge, Hof. 4.6. end When they entree' into the Heathen , whither they went they propbanea my holy Name; When they fa =d unto them,Thefe are the people ef'the Lard, Ezek 36.20. This is brought as a motive to with-hold Ifrael from fin ; T e are the children of the Lord your God ye (hall not cut your ¡elves, nor -make any baldneffe between loaf eyes for the dead, for thou art an holy people to the Lord thy God, Deut. 14. 1,2. This is plead- ed as an aggravation of fin ; Ton bave I known of all the Nations of the earth, and therefore you will I puniflfor all your iniquities, Amos 3.2. This is brought as a motive to prevaile with God under mi- fery for mercy ; Behold we befeech thee, we are all thy people Ifa. 64.9. Yea,this Covenant takes with God for national! mercies ; The whole of the Nation then is in Covenant. Then will 1 remem- ber my Covenant with Jacob, and my Covenant with Ifaac, and alto my Covenant With Abraham will 1 remember, and will remember the land, Levit. 26. 42. The Apoffles authority puts it out of queflion, reckoning up thepriviledges of Ifraeloccording to the fleíh , nine in number, Rom. 9. 4. This is one, The Covenants. 1friel then after the fleffi was in Covenant; MI Ifrael were the Covenant- people ofGod. There were many not Eieft,not Reenerate; but there was-not a man not in Covenant, not owned of God as vif bly his ; Thou haft avouched the Lord tbu day to be thy God. And the Lord loath avouched thee this day to be But bis people, Deut. 26. 17,18.