Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

Chap.27. The Old and New Covenant. 1[ 91 But now ( as it is affirmed) it is far otherwife , God is not fo large in his priviledges, nor fo ample in his munificence, none have honour to be in Covenant in Gofpei- times, but reali be leevers, . men tritely fantified and regenerate : Aid here it can- not be denied, but there are many expreffions ordinaily found in many Orthodox Writers, and like paffages frequently heard in Sermons from godly Minifters, feemingly implying, affecting it, and reftraining the Covenant onely to the elect and regene- rate. As when they give Marks and Signes of mens being in Co- vena,ntwith God , this muff needs imply that force profeffing Chriffians are in Covenant with God, and force without, which is yet farther evidenced, when they conclude, tbat in cafe a man be in Covenant with God, then happineffe and falvation fol- !owes ; But when thefe men fully explain themselves, they yield up again to us, that which feemingly they had taken from us, and ordinarily do diffinguifh of an outward and inward Cove- nant, acknowledging the outward Covenant to be made with every member of the Church, with the Parents that hear and profeffedlv accept the promifes-and their children : But the in- ward Covenant as they lay, belongs to them onely that receive the benefits of it, and are upright in it. An -- eminent Divine putting the Quefiion, and returning Anfwer , How a mark may know himtelf to be in Covenant with God; prefently forefees an Objection againft any fuch Qíxre. As Said and all the No )1e, of lfrael were in Covenant with God, fo all profef i g .Chri- {Hans are-- Cove,`tanters likewife And hereby all diffinguifh- ing notes of Profeffors; force in : Covenant, and Tome without m uft needs-fall to the ground; one member then of the .diftin c$ion having no -being For folution of the doubt,he layesedown a diffin.Cfion. There is (faith he) a_twofold Covenant,_ gle Covenant which god makes with his children when they are bap- tized, which is this ; If ye will believe, repent,and milk in my wayes, ye fhall be faved,.now if they break, thin condition,. God -is freed. 2. A double Covenant to perform -both parts, which is this, if -y ou will repent and beleeve p (ball be raved,. end I will dive you an heart and you (hall repent, believe, and -be Paved: So -Prefion on Attti butes, part, 2, page 85, 86; And thefediftinc`fions plainly yield that there is a Covenant between God and mAn in this lati- tude,-of.which:we fpeake, and which -expreft,: and that all: Some Divines Teem to put too , great re- ffraint upon the Còvenant in New Teffa- ment- times. Di`a1t}iòfis holding fr 4t11 the meän:i;l, oE, thefe hi\ in thefe exprçfl fions: