Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

92 The Old and New Covenant. Chap. 27 Effe in faadere dicitur duplici ter, vel quoad jo fwderis,'vel quoad fccdcris bencficia. Eft in fædere,vel qui obtinet be- nefcia fade -, ns, q-.æ . fint remifo pecca- torum, adoptio regenerado, ¡a- lea, vel qui tan- tum babes jus vel fyr;bolum fcederis exter- num, ut focus foederie,von ali- onus ten ¡eztur, Qüeries put to rhofe that but this difference between the Covenants. all profeffed Chriftians fo called, are in an outward and tingle Covenant ( which puts them into a capacity of Sacraments, and their children of the initiall Sacrament, fometimes Circumcifi- on, now Baptifm ) which is a Covenant properly fo called, and which Scripture holds out for the Covenant of God with his people. Thefe Divines yielding fo much, and their meaning be- ing fo Orthodox, there is no reafon of controverfie with them, or contention about words ; yet I fhould choofe rather to ex- preffe my felf in Pareta his words againfl Stapleton the Jefuite, on I Cor.;. 14, objecting againft this doErine ( for it is a do- urine which Anti adoba tiffs, and Independents have bor- p p F rowed from Jefuites, and we have them all in this, as in many other things our Adverfaries.) To be in Covenant is taken two wayes, either according to title to the Covenant, or to the benefits of f the Covenant. He is Paid to be in Covenant that either obtains the benefits of the Covenant which are remifon of fins adoption, &c. Or el/e that hat onely the title, and outward badge of the Cove- pant, fo that he is reputed to have interefi in it, and is not an alien from it. The right of Covenant belongs to all that externally make g a g e tem ves u p profeffion. Thefe eng ge hfel pon Gods terries. The benefit of the Covenant,remifiion of fins, juftification, adopti- on, &c. belongs onely to the eletregenerate. Or farther we may diflinguifh of the Covenant of Grace, and the Grace fol- lowing the Covenant. The Covenant of Grace is in the lati- tude before mentioned, the Grace following the Covenant in g that reflriaion that forre contend for, or elfe we may difiin- guifh of entring Covenant, and fledfaflnefs and faithfulneffe in the Covenant ;all enter that are vifible profeffors, onely the elect and faithful are fleadie in it. This diflint} ion is evidently ground- ed on Pfal 78.34. They remembred that God zvau their rock., the high cod their Redeemer, neverthelefe their heart mu not right in them neither were they fiedfaft in his Covenant. All Covenant - enterers, are not Covenant - keepers. To take off this reftric`ti- on, and for overthrow of this imaginary difference, it were e- nough to require of thefe Afferters of this Covenant- reftrif}ion, and limit, where God bath put any fuch reftraint, °for affirmanti incumbit probatio, and to require fome reafon why men in na- ture in Old 4 eflament =times fhould be honoured with that near relation to God, as to be of the Common- wealth of his people, enjoying