Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

Chap. 27. The Old and New Covenant. enjoying not barely civil! and domeftick Priviledges, but laving Ordinances, and under the Gofpel mutt ftànd (hut out of all fucli vifible relations, why unregenerate men in order to rege- neration, may not come under the difcipline of God under the Gofpe', as well asunder Old Teftamentdifpenfations? Why poor finners that confefe. with their mouth with the Eunuch, that Jefus Chriftisthe Son of God, -4h8. 37. may not be indulged thole priviledges, now Chrift is come in the flefh to fave (inners, whereby they may be brought to beleeve with the heart that they may be faved ? To thole that would make fuch a difiance between the Covenants, as to throw out of the Co- venant of God and vifible communion all that are unregene- rate, we may fpeak in Chrifts words, From the beginning it Iva. not fo, and either we muff fee fume good ground that in this there is LT the will of God this great change, or elfe we !hall be- leeve, as it has then, fo it u noW. But I (hall deal more liberal- ly and make it appear, that the Gofpel doth not onely not quit us of it, but eftablifhes it ; doth not onely not aboli(h it (as it Both the Types of the Law) but holds it forth, and gives teffi- moníe of the continuance of it. Let that Text Matth.28. 19. in the firft place be weighed, ÿo,teach all Nations, &c. which our adverfaries in this caufe willingly.confent to have tranflated, Difciple all Nations, and therefore there needs no words or flir to be made about it and that a Difciple of Chrift is in Cove- nant with God, is as freely confeft, he takes God in Chrifi to be his God, he layes claim to falvation by him ; this ground being laid, in which I thinke I have not an adverfary, I draw from hence a twofold Argument, Firít, That Covenant between God and man,tvhich is commit- ted to the Miniflery of man to work, to judge of being wrought, f and to put to a Seal for confirmation of it, is a Covenant one. ly vifibly entred, and doth not require any inward real! change, or work upon the foul to the being of it. This Propofition is clear,man can judge rio farther then of that which is outward and vifible, Man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord look- ed) .on the heart. If none but a regenerate elect perfon b: in Covenant, then none but God knowes who are in Co\ e kant. Then we may apply that of the Apoffle fpoken of The Peal of E- le6tion, Toe Lord k. oweth them that are h2 2, Tim, 2.19. unto C c every 193 New Tella- ment-Scri- ptures hold- ing out the Covenant of grace in its Full and jifft lati- tude. Mat, z$.t9.