Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

194 literall' gram alai. ail tede of the K'ords Vitldi-- ,cated. The Old anc&New Covenants Chap. 2 7 every one that as a Church- member is to be received into vifible fellowfhip ; A Church - member, and an ele& perfon are according to this tenent termini convertibiles; then the fear of the Spirit, and the Peal of theSacrament are in equal! . latitude; to baptize an un- regenerate perfon is to put a Seal to a blanke,as high an abufe of that facred Ordinance,as the Circumcifion of the Sichemitet, Gen. 34.2+ That this Covenant is fuch,appears in that Text, it is com- mitted to man to work, and to judge of it being wrought, to put a feal for ratification and confirmation of it. The Apoftles were to make Difciples to bring men into Covenant with God,and be- ing difcipled, to baptize them,, fealing them as Gods in Cove- nant; So John 4. I,2. when the Lord knew that the Pharifee,t haat heard that lefts% made and baptized more dtfciples then John, though ieftl baprizednot,btst hù Difci1lei. Here John made Difciples,and baptized them being made ;The Difciples of Jefus made Difci- pies, and baptized them being made; an outward work then to make profeffon of the faith, is fuañcient to make one a Di- fciple, and to bring him within the verge of the Covenant. Secondly , That which a whole Nation. in, Gods ordinary way of adminiftration is in a capacitie to attain and enter in- to, is onely a Covenant profeffed, vifibly entred upon, and Both not require any inward change, or work upon the foul to the being of it ; this is. plain, it cannot be expected in Gods or- dinary way, that a Nation fhould, be brought forth at once all really holy and fanaified, fuch a field hath not been feen with - out ta-es,fuch a floor without chaffe, fuch a draw-net without any flub that is, bade; fuch a Feaf#, and no one without a wed - ding garment ; But whole Nations are in a capacity (in Gods ordinary way of workiing) to enter into this Covenant,as is plain in the Text ;, The whole of the Nation is in their commiffìon where they come, and in many Nations it bath had happy fuc- ceffe Whole Nations without exceptions (unleffe firangers fojourning) have been brought within Covenant. MafterTombes in his Apologie, Sea. 14. p. 135; would fain fallen another in- terpretationon:'thofe words, and make the Comrnilron not to t found, not according to the letter of the words,nor yet according to the fuccrffe by grace attained, but to his liking, and therefore is put to it to change the word, { 9»ritaaminto, 70iirTs asn -, Isis, and then. pail Nations mulleither be putt)), app ofit'ion,voie7761