Chap. 17. f he Old and New Covenant.. I95 1.44.1tf .us nx ï rte rù Opt!, or with the Prepofition ,reorgTE ,UaSrrnesúc nra'v- .t44 7a Akav, and fo inftead of disciple all Nations, it will be, m,4e disciples in all Nations: This he thinks is very tolerable, becauie to disiple and to make difciplrs is all one. But though they may be one in thernfelves, yet it makes a main difference in the phrafe, and with theaddition of his prepofition inverts the whole meaning of the words, as to the thing in controverfie, which is fuch a violence offered to the Text,that it is not to be endured in him that is about to draw a Logical argument for his advantage againft an adverfary. And as it is againft the letter of the Text, fo it is plainly againft our Saviours tcope, and Confirmed by end in giving this commiflion. Matter Tombes Examen. p. t3o. the relation faith, This enlargement unto all Nations in this place was in op- that tlzfs more potion. to the refiri£ lion, Matth. to. 5. Now in that Nation to enlarged com- which there they were limited, the whole of the Nation was rnif?ion hathto in Covenant, all the land was the land of Immanuel, Ifni. 8. 8. that which And confequently fo it was to be in ocher Nations, by vertue was ref},ained of this happy enlargement or elfe the oppofition is utterly Co¡fraaonely. taken away the meaning of the words clouded , and the Apoftle at a lofl'e for the underflanding of there; for having before fpent their paines in a Nation all Difciples, and now having a Commiflion for the difcipling of all Nati- ons , how that! they underftand the words, unleffe the whole of the Nation where they come are to be difcipled ? And here- to accord the prophecies of Scripture, for the calling of the By old Tefa. Nations of the Gentiles, God 'hall enlarge 7aphet, and he 'hall dwell teem des. in the tents of Sem Gen. Sem was wholly in Covenant,not es. by pieces and parcels,but univerfally in Covenant ; lapher is to come in fucceflion into Covenant in like latitude, Pfal. 2.8. ilsk of me, and I will give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermofl parts of the earth for thy poßeffion. It is not fome among the Nations of the heathen that are to be the inheritance of aria, but the heathen, To which agrees Rev, t t. 15. The Kingdomes of the earth ,'hall become the Kingdomes of the Lord, and of his Chrifl; Immanuel of old had one, now he thall have more Kingdomes; And they become his no other way, then by difcipling; Gods Minifters are his men of war, fir fubduing arid captivating them, 2 Cor. i o..}, 5, and Kingdomes are pro - tnied them, not forte in Kingdomes. Alexander would not fit C c 2 down.,