196 The Old and New Covenant. Chap.27. down with - fucha conqueft,neither would Chrift Jefus. If to poffeffe fome in a Kihgdome,be to poffeffe a Kingdome, then An- tichrift of long bath had this Kingdome ; All Kings fall bozo down before htm, all. Nations fhall ferve him, Pfai.7z. i i. All No- tions whom thou hag made fhall come and Worfhip before thee, O Lord, and fhall glorifie thy Name, Pfal. 86,9. Thou fhalt call a Nation which thou knowef not, and Nations that knew not thee, fall run unto thee, Ifai: 55, 5. There God calls the Nation, and the Nation doth- anfwer Gods call. In that day If- rael f till be a third with Egypt, and with Affyria, eLCn a blefng in the mid fi of the land, whom the Lord ofHof s fhall 61eJr'e, Paying BleJr'ed be Egypt my people, and Affyria the work of my hands, and Ifrael my inheritance. There Egypt and Affyria are in equipage with IJraet, all three lifter- Churches ; 1 /rael without any pre- heminence; either I /i-ael then was not a Nation of Difciples , a Nation wholly within Covenant, or elfe there are to be Nati- onal Churches ; the whole of the Nation to be difcipled and brought into Covenant. There Prophecies, or a great part of them, I produced in my Anfwer of Mafler Tombes, paflìng by other in filence (as having nothing to reply) he faies, he marvels that t' am not afhamed to produce, Pfal.v. I r. Pfal 86.9. to prove that the vholc of the Nation even infants mug be included, Muth. 28. 19. As if it were foretold that the whole Nation, even Infants fould come before God . and rvorfip. It is ftrange, if Mafter Tombes be ignorant, that . prophecies in the old Tefiament, of the glory of New Tefta- ment- times, are in Old Teftament- phrafes by way of allufion to the worfhip of chafe times fet forth to us. Now it was the pradice of the people of the Jewes, for their males of growth and ftrength to appear before the Lord, and neither females nor infants, as Ainfworth on Exod 23. t 7.obferves, yet they appear- ed in the name of females and children ; and 'their females and children were in Covenant, ( together with them, Deut.29, I r, fo that as the refit of the prophecies to which Matter Tombes bath nothing to fay) fo thefe two Prophecies ( againft which he excepts) fpeak fully for the difcipling of Nations in New Te- ftament timfs. The fuccefle of thefe Prophecies bath happily anfwered in many Nations, which may well ferve as a clear- Comment both on thefe- Prophecies, and the Commiff on graiit -. ed. by.. By the happy. litccefïe that an many 'Nations bath followed Uron k, 1,