Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

I n8: The Old. and New Covenant. 3 Thole feve- rall Parables, lbiat.13:a40.s Ivljt,t3447. ivlat. 3. 12. a Tiro. 4. Hebr.ia29. A threefold interpretation of the Test. Chap: 27 that are not accepted there are thofe that are taken into the Vineyard, that at the evening of the day do difpleare, that are called into Covenant with God, and yet are rejetled of God, a full and a clear Text for Covenant- holineffe. This is farther evident in thofe parables of our Saviour Chrift, of the field with Wheat and Tares, J atth. 3.24., -25. of the draw -net with Fifties good and bad, Matth. 1 .47. of the floor with rhaffe and Wheat., lMQuttb, 3. 12. of the great house 3 where there are not onely veffels of gold and filver, but alto of wood, and earth, and Done force to honour, and force to dig honour, 2 rim. 2.20. In which parables by the floor, the field ( expreffely compared to the Ki ngdome of Heaven, and the great houfè ) the Church is underflood, which ftandsin Covenant- relation to God, and contains thofe that are in Covenant with God. A man in the kingdome of Heaven is a man in Cove- nant with God, unleffe he flood in a Covenant - relation, ,he could have no ftanding there ; and the comparifon were very firangely drawn, if this Kingdom thus let out, had all that were good, none bad in it But of this more when 1 (hall fpeak to force Corollaries that follow from this Affertion. This is farther clear in that Text of the Apoftle , ; Heb. zo 29. Of how much forer punifhrnent frrppofe ye, fhall be be thought Wor- thy,i'ho bath trodden under foot the Son of God, and bath counted the blood of the Covenant wherewith he was fantlified, an unholy thing, and bath done defptght unto the fptrit of grace ? Where we fee chofe that are fanaified with the blood of the Covenant, do tread under foot the Son of God,and count his blood an unholy thing,have an efleem of it, as that which is common, and ne- ver devoted at all to God. There muff needs be granted to be wicked, yet cannot be denied to be in Covenant, being fanâifi- ed with the blood of the covenant: There is indeed a threefold interpretation of this Text ; one of the Arrninìant, and thofe of that party ; enemies to perte- verance in Grace : and they underfland by fanftification in this , place, an internal change and renovation of the foul, from whence by Apoftafìe fuch perlons fall. They that will im- brace this tenent,may indeed fay that in the fiate of fanaifica- don, they wére in Covenant, but falling from fanc`}ification, they fall from Covenant. But this is notaffirmed by thole with whom