Chap. 2 7. The Old and New Covenant, ' 99 whom i have to deal, and therefore .I (hall . not lanch Out into this controverfie. There are thofe that by Arguments, and their own exemplary prefident challenge more able pens to under- take it. Two other Interpretations .are given by thole that are adverfaries to this way, and make it their work to vindicate this Text from thofe mens gloffes a. The firft refers fandìfica- tion not to thofe delinquents, that tread under foot the Son of God, and do defpight unto the fpirit of grace, but. unto Chrift himfel£ t. This indeed clearly takes this text out of their hands,, that would . from thence infer the Apoflafie of .fanetified, that is, regenerate perfons : And if this hold,, it as little ferves our purpofe,here is. Chrift in. Covenant ;, but no reprobate or wic- ked perfon in. Covenant. But this reference of the words and the interpretation, which is grounded on it bath(I fuppofe) come into, the thoughts of few Interpreters, and it feems to be very much (trained, the fcope of the place being for aggravation of their fin that fet themfelves againft the Son of God and the holy Spirit. The common interpretation (which is obvious,and.: clearly held out in the Text) fully vindicates it from any favour (hewed to the dotLtrine of Apoítafie of the Saints; and fully confirmes the point in hand. There is a fanftification by fepa- ration for God, and dedication to him, as there is in, inhefion and feparation. Mailer Dixon on the words having fo fully fpoke my thoughts, I had rather exprefl'e, my fell in: his words then my own, putting the Qieflion, How the reprobate can be Paid to, be fanftified by the bloud of the Covenant ? anfwers; There is afanElificatinn to the purifying of the fefh, and a fantiftca- tion to the purifying of theco.nfcience from deal works to (erve the living God,r-lebr.9. 1.3, 14. T he fanc`lifacation externall to the purify- ing of the fiefh conffleth in the mans feparation from the world, and dedication unto. Gods fervice, by calling and, Covenant, common to all the members of the vifible Church . and it is forcible thus far, as to bring a man into, credit and eflimati- on as a Saint before men, and unto the common priviledges of the Church,Whereupon, as men,_ fo God allO fpea ð unto him, and of him as one of , nil people, and dealeth With him in his external difpenfation 44 with one of ht own people.. In this./'enfe allthe congregation of Ifrael,and every one of them is called boli,, yea Core alio and his fol- lowers ,Num,1.6,3,The fanai'fcation.internal by renovation:confafleth in.