Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

2 oo The Old and New Covenant. Chap. 2)* -in a mans feparation from the Rate ofnature, to the late ofgrace,from his old conditions to be a new creature indeed; by this latter fort a re- probate cannot be called fanaifted,but by the former he may be called fanflif ed, and that by vertue of the blood of the Covenant, albeit he fhould not get any farther good thereby ;for as the blood of Chriii bath vertueto c'eanfe the confcience, and renne the foul which come- th un- to it truely and fpiritua /ly, fo it muff haveforce to do that which is /ejre, that ie,purifie the flefh, and externall condition of the man Who cometh unto it, outwardly only as the Types did under the Law,where- upon an hypocrite in the Chriflian Church,n rsfl be accounted one of the -congregation of the Saints, as well ris an hypocrite under the Law was fo called, becaufe Chrifls blond cannot be inferícur to the Types,which were of this force, to fanflifie mers to the purifying of the flefh : Or we may fay more fhortly, -here is a fanflificarion by confecration, when any thing is devoted or dedicated unto God, and a fanaification by inhabitation of the holy Spirit, z Cor. r. r7, 18. Of the former fort the Cenfers of Corah,Dathan and Abiram, are called holy, and the red fon isgir,en, Be calife they c ffered them before the Lord, there - fore they are hallowed, Num. i 6.3 8. And in this fente all the mem- a T rat ¡antli f- bers of the vifible Church, even fetch as afterwards do prove e,Alpa- catie apoflata- Hates, are fantfi f ed, betas fe they are offered, and offer themfelves un rum non inter- to the Lord. But the inhabitation of the holy Spirit, is proper onely to na red externs ! prefeffane fide., t- eeleEE, and Go is children. To the fame purpofe Parentis on the etparticipatione words, a The fantli fication of Apoflates was not interna /!,(faith he) Sacramentorum but external,confifling in the profeffîon of Faith and participation externa con of the Sacraments. 7 hey were farrEii fies, that is, feparate from the Hens. Erant ?ems and Pagans in profefon, and accounted for true Chriflians. fars c ti,ho., In the fame fenfe as men are ordinarily called Saints,( as after CÌIs^ 1$ {Ris 2i` Pagans twofer_ we ¡hall hear )fo thofe that are turned Apoftates, were fanai tiare fegregati fled by the blond of the Covenant, and therefore they were men pin ve'is in Covenant. Chrifliais ha- Neither can all the noife which Má4er Tombes bath made a- biti. bout i Pet. 2 9. take off that Text, but that it fpeaks fully to Pet.z hold up a Covenant in this latitude, and from thence I thus argue : If thofe phrafes,achofengeneration,a royalPrieflhood, an holy Nation, a peculiar people, be applied to Chriftians , as to Jewes, in an equal! latitude to one as to other,then it muff needs follow that there is a Covenant in Gofpel -times in like latitude, as in the time of the Law, including all that accept the termes of