Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

C.hap.27. The Old and New Covenant. 203 They are called by God, We by his power and vertue into his marvelous) light; and verfe i o. Which noW had obtained mercy Which they had not before , which cannot be affirmed of any but true Beleevers and Fleii perfo s. Anfw. Men brought into a vifible Church-ffate are brought into a marvelous light. Thefeven goldenCandlefticks, Rev. i. 20. had a marvelous light in their lamps and yet in fome of thofe there were only a fete names that had not defiled their gar- ments; And this light is a mercy, the fruition of it a great mer- cy, 'Prat r4-. i 20. Yea, it is applied by the Prophet, Hof. z. 23. (whence the Apoftlegathers it) unto the mercy enjoyed in a viíible Church communion, as is not denied by Mailer Tombes himfelf. (3.) It is faid, that thofe perf ns dïi beleeve c^ntra- diflinguifb ed to them that were di/obedient, and. lnmbbled at the Word ; bút fuck are only the Elezt`l. Ergo. efinj w. So did all they that made fhiptvrac& of the Faith, i Tim. T. 19. So did Simon Magus, Acts S. 13. So did the hearers com- pared to the rocky ground., Luke 8. 13. And whereas it is faid, thefe Beleevers are contra- diftinguifhed to them that were difo- bedient and (tumbled at the word, it fully makes againft him ; Thole difobedient ones are thofe that difallow Chrift , as we fee verf.7. thatrejed Chritt upon tender, that perfïff in 7uda ifrae or Gentilifine. All others not profeffed Jewes nor Gentiles, are in that place Beleevers ( and in all other Scri- ptures relpedive to vifible prerogatives) which are all that are vi- fible Church- Members. (4) They are laid to be built, as living !lone.", &c. Which can a- gree to none, but Eleîl persons, and true 73 eleevers. !nfm. That is left out in the Q,liotation of this Tcxt, which would wholly fpoile the argument and carry it on the other hand namely thofe words , To Whom coming as unto a living !one. The Apoftle (helves them the way, and points out the condition called for; which being done, they are then built as living 'tones. And this implies that it was fo with fume, but not with oche s. Here is their which was done by fome,and neglect- ed by others , and theirhappineffe upon difcharge of their du- ty ; So that if Maher Tambe, his confidences wert not far high. I, er then his aruments,lie might well fit down and fairely acknow- D d 2 ledge