The Old and New Covenant. Chap . 27 ledge that there titles are given to vif ble Church- Members Ma- fter 7 ombes hardly beleeves,he Cayes , that any approved Writer joynes with me in this. Though I were alone in the opinion,yet I might learne ofMafter?ombes confidence in it , who dare ad.. ;venture ( not upon a Comment or one Text of Scripture, but) on a conclufion in Theology , againft all Proteflant Writers. And here I have much the advantage ; If I were alone in this in- terpretation , feeing it is a queftion that few have ftarted as think much leffe ferioufly followed ; but minding as in molt Scriptures they ufe to do more what fuch titles engage us to be, then unto whom they are given but Mafter Tombes dare afront the body of Proteft.nt Divines in Tenents that ex profe fj'o they have handled againft the Papifts. E's`liva in- Nam qui fan5litatem bane defniunt deed upon examination of the thing in Religions, Dolfrina, Sacrament's, ac queflibn, appeares to be of Mailer Tombes his . reap() cultic externo, von fu5,ienter ear, exphcant, nee. attingu nt good in.fancii- minde, and cenfures thofe that fet out the ho- tate Ecc'efice prtecipuum; eft. Eftius in linefje by Religion, De rine, Sacraments and tpcttnt, the refl of outward worfip. There Authours `Proprié cnim lnquicur (anus Pe- (for ought 1 know) may be as approved as, E.+`í`iu and they, we fee, limit it not to trus non de quovis fdeli , fed de toto fdelium ctu-, five Ecclefia , to pater the Church invifible. And I do not doubt ex co quad ait : Vos genes EleLtum, but that holineffe which is reall, is here aim Bens poputus acgiufitionis. Lo- ed at. ; yet they have thofe titles that do make quttur crgo tort genii populo fide- rofeffion of the way of it, and are of the hum. Ills ccetus populws verura ha- P bit facerdotium. A Lapi {e in locum. number of thofe that engage themfelves to it. Mailer Ball (who if authorities mull bear it, will fway with me farre above E'fliue,) fpeaking of thofe words, Hof, 2. 19, 20. 1 will betroth thee unto me for ever ; ye-4, I will betroth thee unto me in righteoufneffe, and in judgement, and in lo- ving dZndne ff lesand in mercies. I will even betroth thee unto me in faithfulnefie, and thou fhalt ¬e the Lord faith, The externall betrothing by outWard Covenant , fo a? Godbetrothes himfelf to all profefng the true faith; may be broken; for though God offer them. mercy if they will beleeve yet be gives not faith to them, and quotes in the Margent for proof, Rom. 9. 24, 25. I Peter 2. 8, 9, Io. More then one Authour then are of my minde in this inter- pretation, Bell Treatife of Faith, page 273, 274. Gerard on the words puts .it-to the queftion,and determines with Mafter Tombes, but tells U.S of others that underftand it of common and generali Elet`f-