Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

Chap.28. The Old and New Covenant. 2O5 Ele &ion ; Mailer Tombes fpares his name, becaufe (as I conceive) he makes ufe of his arguments. A Lapide doñcludes w_ holly with me, to whom Matter Tombes ufes to be beholding ; I do not marvell that he here boafts feeing he bath on his part foure names; let the Reader judge of both our arguments. CHAP. XXVIII. Arguments evincing the Covenant of Grace in Got el- times in that latitude as before is alerted. THe firft Arguments fhall be borrowed from thofe titles,which undoubtedly and undifputably imply a Covenant ; and yet in Scripture are Rill attributed to all that profeffedly accept the termes of the Covenant, and profeffedly appear as the people of God. Thofe titles mentioned by Peter from Mores Matter Tombes confeifes , argue a people in Covenant, and therefore . is fo fhie to confeffe them to belong to vifible Profeffors ; but titles as high as there, and as undeniably implying a Covenant, are given to vifible Profeffours;thofe then (even according to Mr,,. Tombes) are on this account in Covenant with God: And theft are all of thofe titles wherewith the people of God are honoured In New Teftament- Scriptures., which are efpecially foure , Be- leevers,Saints, Difciples, Chriflians. He that is a Beleever, a Saint, a Difciple, a Chriflian ; he is a man in Covenant with God. But all vifible Profeffors that accept the termes of the Co- venant are Beleevers Saints, `Difciples, Chriflians ; fo they are fill filed in New Teflament- Scriptures Beleevers from -the Faith that they profeffe, Saints from the Holineffe to which they rand engaged, `Difciples from the Do&rine which they profeffe to learne, and Chriflians from him whofe they are , whom they ferve, and from'whom they expe& falvation. I know foure have inured themfelves to that language, that thofe that are thus dig. nified, are neceffarily concluded by them to be Ele &, regenerate perfons ; It is grown the Diale& of the times , but not of he Scriptures. To begin with Beleevers: He is in Scripture a Bei ever, that is avifible Profeffour, that puts himfelfin the number .ofthofe that Dd 3:' ,.re T. Titles given tameninCo - venant, . and in .. Scripture ap- plied to unre- generate men ., prove. it, iD nreÿenerate per`ons,,asto the nameand' outwa;d prlvi_ ledes a ex.peft; leever.s.