Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

206 The Old and New Covenant. Chap.2S. expea falvation by Chrifl Jelus. So it is through the Hiflory of the At`7s where account is given ofthe Converts made by the Apoftles Miniftery, Aé s 4.4. Mangy of them Which heard the word beleeved, and the number of the men was about five thoufand. They that are thus numbred by the poll , are vifible Profef ours , that outwardly embraced the Do'crine of Faith ; this might be teen and their names taken. T hey are not all Ele &,regenerate Chri- ftians, thefe could not be vifibly known : The generality of men and women in Samaria beleeved, Aar S. 12 1 hat they were E- lea and Regenerate in that univerfality cannot be conceived ; Si. mon 41ag:ts is an example to the contrary -of whom the Text (ayes, that he did beleeve, verf. 13. and yet hit heart not right in the fight of Ca, verf. 2+. He was with thole Ffraelites, Pfal. 78. 34. in Covenant; yet his heart war not1tedfajl ih Covenant. A great number of the Grecians beleeved upon the preaching of thefe that were fcattered, upon the perfecution railed about Stephen , 3îls t. 21. yet Barnabas (whom the Church of ]erufilem fent to them) well enough knew that there was no cettainty,little hopes that all of thefe were Regenerate perfons ; therefore he exhorts them, that With purpofe of heart they would cleave to the Lord. He was afraid that the work might be overly and fuperficial,of which the Church in every age bath fad experience; he defires that they may be rooted and eftablifhed. Only thofe hearers which are compared to the good ground, are Regenerate perlons. But thofe compared to bad ground, beleeve, Luke 8. 13. Regenerate men, invi.fible Church - Members have their hearts more right with God , then to love the praife of men , more then the praife of God ; but many Beleevers are ;-hus cenfured, as we fee, 7ohn 12. 42, 4 Regenerate perfons make no fhipwrack of Faith, They are borne of incorruptiblefeed, the feed of God abideth in them; Yeti there are Beleevers that thus fuffér fhipwrack, t Tim. r. t 9. My- riads of thoefared of Imes beleeve, e/fil s 20. 2 t. yet not all Regene- rate. The Apoffle, i Cor. 7. fatisfies a cafe of confcience put to him by the Corinthians, that if any brother hath a wife that be- leeveth not; if the be pleafed to dwell with him, let him not put her away. If the beleeving brother here be only a Regenerate man, then the unbeleeving wife is an unregenerate woman ; So the .queflion'-rvill be, whether a Regenerate,fanc`}ified man, joyn- ed in marriage to a Profeffor of the true Faith, not of thofe hopes for