Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

sChap.8. The Old and Nev Covenant. 207 for the truth of Sandification, may dwell with her ? A cafe that never yet was difputed or donbted : The unbeleever is a wor.- íhipper of idols one that facrifices to devils, and not to.God. The Beleever is a Profeffor of the Faith, one in name a Chriflian ancl-not a Heathen. Saint is taken in the fame latitude as 734leever and is the tnoft common appellation in the New teflament , for all that are le- parate for God and dedicated to him. The diftinguifning name for profeffing Chriffians, as the title of People of G,:el,Circumcifion, was for the people of ./jrne/;., Some do not bear dale word Saint, but prefently they underftand a Saint in glory and will not en- dure that any fhould be a Saint Upon earth; others-will have none, Saints but thofe that are really fuch and fhall be for heaven. They will have no denomination of a Saint from. a-holy -profeffi- on : ifwe look into the Scriptures ( and may be fuffered to rpeak in that language) we ffiall finde Saint for. the mort part, taken for men upon the earth. The profeffedly names. Saints upon earth, Pfal i6. 3.. And thofe Saints not o ten taken for other, then a Saint by profeflion. He is a ,Saint that rnaké..s. aChriftian profefli.on. We read of Collet-lions h jar t,e.a-; nt,,ICor. 16. /. 4drn:niAraton to the Saints, Heb 6.10. which can reach-- no higher then vifible Profeffours, and can by nomeans be limit- ed to Ele_ft,'Kegenerate ones. When P aril lb:It up man) of the Saints in prifon, and did much evil againfi them, Ads 26.-. I be kn-ew no other way ofdiflindion, then.. an outward profeffion.,, and fo he explaines himfelf, ¿bofe of ¿hat. way, As 9.2 We read of Churches of the Sain:s i Cor. 4 3;. and they were ta- ken in tobe Çhurch-Members aifoon as they made profeffion; as they leafed to be Jewes or Paganss, and took them to the way of Chriftiani ty. As we fee in thofe, three thoufand, 2. the. ,Samaritans , the Eunuch, Simon /Wags es,, Ads 8..121 13, 3.8.. af- loon as they were taken off from Heathenifme Indairme for Chriftianity,they had that name of Saints, The Epiffies wrote to particularvifible Churches, are infcribed to Saints; among which, what fome.are, read both the Epiftles to the corinihian.r;., yea, what alma 'all are in rome Churches , read the Epi file- to the Church of Sardk. Arne fins (judged by fome to beof the oppofite party) bath there words; Yea, it is waft probable, fiat there k no: particular Church,in t he profejPn of the trtse Faith flourilbeth,- but Unregenerate peirons , as to the name an outward privi- ledg,es are.. 11-1s.