210 7>;e. Old and New Covenant. Chap. 2 8 God engages >hirnfelf, is theirs,. Pfal. 103. 17, i 8. The mercy oc the Lord is from everlafling to everlafling, upon them that fear him; and hie righteotsJne ffe unto chrldrens children, to etch cu heep hv' Co- versant, and to thof e that remcmbcr his Commandemenu to do them, There are thsafe tha:t breakCovenant, Tf al. ¡ .1 o,3 -. They kept not the Covenant of God,and re ft fed to walk,in hu 3LaW. Their heart wits not right with him, neither Were they fledfaß in his Covenant. And tiiefe are threatned with a curfe, ler. 34.18, 19, 20. eflnd I Will give the men that have tranfgre f fed my Covenant, which have not performed the words of the Covenant, which they had made before one, when they cut the calfe in tWaine, and pa'edbetween the parts thereof. The Princes of Judah, and the Princes of Jerufalem, the Eu- nuchs and tke Priefis, and all the people of the land, Which pa fed be- tween the parts of the calfe : I will even give them into the hand of their enemies, and into the hand of them that feektheir life ; and their dead bodies fhah be for meat unto the foxes of the heaven , and to the beafts of the earth. The Lord brings a fword that avenges the guar- 7 ell of his Covenant Levit. 26. 2 i. When the heavieft of jud ge- rnents is mentioned, and a large lift enumerated , as Ifa. 24. the 'twelve firft verfes. Behold the Lord makeeh the earth empty , and maketh it wafle, and turneth it upfade down,and fcattereeh abroad the . inhabitants thereof. And it fleall be ea with the People fo with the Priefi as With the Servant, fo n itb hù Mailer ; ru with the Maid, fo with her ilefitre ff e; es with the Buyer, to With the Seller ; as with the Lender, fo with the '13 orrower ; at with the taker of ufury: fo with the giver ofufury; to him the land (hall be utterly errrptitd, assd ut- terly foiled,,, for the Lord bath flioken this word. The earth mourn - et h and fadeth away, the haughty people of the earth do languifh, the l earth alfo is defied under the inhabitants thereof : Therefore hash t the curfe devoured the earth and the;, that dwell therein are defolat therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burnt and few men left; the new wine »sorirneth, the vine languiP eth all the merry - hearted do I¡tgb. The .mirth of Tabrets ceafeth, the noife of them that rejoice . endeeh,thejoy oftheHarpceafeth ;Theyilt:all not d,inkwinewith along, lirong drinkfhall be bitter to them that drinb,it. The city of confufion is broken down ever) houfe iI flout up, that no man may come in. There is a crying forvaine in the greets, all joy -is darkened , the mirth of the I Land 14 gone : in the City is left defolation, and the. Cate is (mitten with left teCtion. Thereafon of all this is given in the calfe of verfe