Chap. 2 9. The Old and New Covenant. .t 3. ledge is granted, and charity is our rule in judging of it; But. I finde Chriff giving charge to Difciple Nations and to baptize them ; But I finde him not givingcommiff-ìon , that when in the judgement of charity, men have caufe to conceive them to be Di- fciples, then to baptize them We finde the Apofflesand others in the Primitive -times making that hafte to baptize upon profef- fion, that they ffaied not for obfervation of thofe fignes that might in a well - grounded charity perfwade that theywere Re- generate perfons. And thele that fix it here too ordinarily, make: interefts the chief ground to carry their charity to a more favour- able conffruftion ;. Charity (according to the Proverb) begin - ing at home. They that are moil like to make a party with them, or drive on an interefl their way mull be judged perfons meet for Baptifine ; of this in a fhort time we have large experience. As for thofe that gather up Churches , and initiate them by Ba- ptifme,(the way of the Apoffles,I confeffe, in cafe that they would. make good that they have to deale with Heathens and there- fore a way of more colour then theirs, that fet up new Churches, and retaine the old Baptifine) we fee what manner of Saints are received among them, fuck that civil perlons (refpeclive to fo- briety, chaffity or upright dealing with ;men) cannot without . ftaine of their reputation, make their companions. And congre- gations of Saints have juft caufe to fay that .they. have loft none of their gold , but much of their filth and droffe by luch .Sairt- feparation; ` That I fpeak the truth and lie not, I need not to appeal to my confcience bearing witneffe, (which alone is fatisfa- tion tó my felt) but to thoufands of witneffes which may give fatisfaftion to others. CHAP.. XXIX.. objellivns againfl this latitude of the Covenant anfwered. : T is here objeed, that in Old 7efáment-times, Gód feaYs' to all'. in vifible profeffion, in that way of compilation as his people, as appears in thole, places that . already have been guoteck ;but in.-NeW, 7 ef#ament-times we finde not that title in fsiclr generality, only the Ee:.._ ReW-