4 The Old and New Covenant. Chap. 2 y Regenerate ; thofe that yield ready and loyall fubjeliton to God, are honoured with name of the people of God they therefore only are in Covenant. The title is reftrained peculiarly to them and fo alto the mercy. To this much may be laid. Firft, If this were granted that this way of compeliation , or fpeech of God to man, is not found in all the New Teffament in this latitude, as to take in men of Chriftian profeflion not yet Re- generate, yet there is little gained; feeing as we have found, there are termes equivalent. Beleevers are the people of God, fo are Saints, Difciples, and Chriffians. But thofe that are yet unregenerate haA e there titles as we have heard at large , and therefore it argues the Covenant to be as large , as when that termewas fo frequent. . Secondly, It is not often that that phrafe is fount in New Te- ftament-Scriptures , with fuch reffrielion, only to Regenerate perfons. Tit. 2. T4. is the moft pregnant place, where it is faid, that Jefus Chrift gave himfelf for us that he might redeem us from all iniquity and purifie unto himfelfa peculiar people, zeal - ous of goodWork', But if it be granted , that it is fometimes taken fora people feparate by grace out of the Bate of nature , it will not follow that it is never taken for a people feparate for God by profeffïon; I know that Text, Revelation 2I.3, will be urged, 1 heard a great voice out of Heaven, laying, Behold, the Ta- bernacle of God is with men , and he will dwell With them and they (hall be his people and God himfelf (hall be with them , and be their God. But this will hardly ferve for their purpofe ; There is no fmall difpute whether this be to be fulfilled on Earth or in Heaven; if in Heaven , as learned Interpreters contend then it is nothing to our purpofe; if on Earth , then it Pets out a fin- gular glory in the Church through Ordinances in purity; no- thing that offends being fuffered yet fuch a one in which yet there is a mixture of clofe hypocrites : as for thofe that interpret it of Chrifis perfonal reigne upon earth , when he in perfon fliall manage all, and work nothing by his agents ; I leave them to enjoy their own opinion how they Thal! be qualified on earth that do attend him. But if we may make conjecture by a confiderable party of thole that publifh it , and receive it, we íhal1 have flrong caufe of doubt that all will not be found Regenerate. Thirdly.,