Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

A Preface to the Reader. Matter Fir'intiath laid in the way, admitting Infants not according to their Parents= priviledge, but qualification not as they Hand in relation to God, but as they fill up their relation ; which new limit I hope I have difcoveed to be unwarrantably put , cafting thofe out which the Church ( according to the minde of God ) from Abraham to this time hath received, to the difquiet of our Congre- gations , and multiplication of our fad, and deplorable differences.. Seventhly, I have made it mybufineffe to avoid all im- pertinencies and unneceflaty dilatations, being ambiti- ous to fpeak multa in paucis, and not to put the Reader to pains to finde out a little which may ferve his purpofe in much, .affecting brevity fo far as may be without ob- fçurity : In all which, I thall onely requeft two things of the Reader,and both of them fuch that God himfelf corn- mands. Firft, Not to have the faith of our Lord Jefus Chrifl,the Lord of glory with refped of perfons, that he do not take aneftimate of do6trinal points,orcontroverted opinions,ac- cording to the outward garb in which men appear, by rea- fonof any dignity,relation,power,or any fuch circumftance whatfoever ; If this once prevail,opinions will be taken up, not according to the ftrength of truth, that is feen in them, but according to the quality of him that vents them; they zvill judge of the faith by the men, not of the men by the faith ; and upon this account on all hands truth is in dan- ger And as men in their reputations ebbe and flow, their judgements of things inuft hold up or fall. Truths fome- ti,nes. will be ca ft off, barely on the low repute, and mean condition of filch that do deliver them. Though Chrifi' fpal eas never man fpake,and all treafures of s\ if lone were hid in him, yet it was enough againft him that he was a Carpenters.for ,Matto 13.5 5. that none orthe Pharifees b, and A donble re quell made coi the Reader.