T'his_ Treatife conmines The Introdu- thou containes z. An Introdialion, Z. The body of the Treadle. z. The various acceptation of the word. z. Requifites iri á Covenant properly fo called. 3. A diilribution of Covenants into feveral kindes. 4. Six reafons of Gods dealing with man in a Covenant-way. y. The Covenant between God and man defined. Chap; 1. The body of the Treatife The Covenant of Works, z. Joyntly. containes a diftribution chap. z. Spoken to z. The Covenant of of the Covenant into. cc The Covenant of Grace. Grace apart. i. Their Argument in 4. Particulars. Chap. z, In the joynt confederation obferve z Their differences { z, In he conditions annextelves. The Covenant of Works was entered in mans integrity. Prima.S . Chap. 3. Differences in the The Covenant of Grace was entered in mans fallen condition. Covenants are a. A prima ortie. C s of Works was for mans prefervation. - C The Covenant 2 of Grace for mans reflitution. of Works had its precedencie in time. J Afierted. C The Covenant of Grace followedafter. anCweted; The Covenant of Works, was of fmall time in ufe. of Grace is of everlafting continuance. chap. 3. 1Af erted. ( of Works had no Mediatour. l-1) .ons answered. q . L The Covenant` Affected. l of Grace was in and by a Mediatour. Works incumbent on theMedia - tour held forth: t . To,bring men into a capacity of Covenanting. z . To bring men within the verge of the Covenant. 3.. To bring the foul up to the termes of the Covenant. 4. To crown thofe that come up to the termes of it. z. By his tender of ít. z. Shaping the heart for it. Chap. 4. z. Suppofed on art. Death threatened. Afïerted. The fame . Differences inthe Gods , in both ObjeEEions anfwered. conditions. p Life z. Reali mans part.. Chap. 5, In=