Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

z. Schoolesand Núrferies) Afferted. of learning in order to a Objeftions 1 gifted Minifiery. ¿ anfwered. 4. Corollaries; drawn. 'a 3. Orderly way of admit - fion of men into A mi nit }eriall fun Lion ne celfary. i 1 4. Milliners of Chrift muff bring their people up to the termes of the Covenant. Chap. 18. r. Afl'erted by feveral reafons. chap, 19. . Explained by diftinguifhing of Callings, 3. Ordination defined , in the parts of it explained. 16id. r. Explained. z. Aiferted. chap. 10., ObjeEtions, anfwered. 1 5. People in Covenant muff come up to the termes of the Covenant. The Covenant of Grace is tither the Old and New r Agreement in 6. Particulars._. Covenant In which obferve z. Differences, Chap. a3. chap. 2.2, i, Real in fix particulars. Differences.- Nine Pofitions premifed for a right underftanding __ z. Suppofed or of the Old Covenant. Chap. a4.: imaginary Differences themfelves afïiigned. r. Laying the Old Covenant too low. Differences affigned are a. Putting too grear a..reftraint on the lieW