Blake - Houston-Packer Collection BT155 .B53 1653

2 Figurative ac- ceptations of the word Co- venant. The Covenant of Works Chap. t . word in Scripture, is that which will give the greaten light in finding out the nature of ScriptureCovenants,which as moll o- ther words is varioufly ufed. Sometimes it is ufed Properly, im- plying a Covenant in deed and truth, aridly fo called, and con- taining all the requifites of a Covenant in it.SometimesTropically, for that which contains force parts and adjuncts of a Covenant, and fo carries force refemblance to and ftands in force affinity with it. This tropical figurative and the native proper fenfe muff be carefully diftinguithed, and may by no means be con- founded, by thofe that will underftand the true nature of a Co- venant, and avoid thofe manifold miflakes, into which force up- on this alone account have been carried : The figurative accep- tations of the word , are diverfe fometimes the homage re- quired, or duty covenanted for, is called a Covenant by way of Synechdoche, Peeing a Covenant between a Superiour and Infe- riourdoth comprize it, fo 7erem. 34. 13, d made a Covenant with your fathers, in the day that I brought them out of the Land of E- gypt , which Covenant is no other then the Law that he gave them, Exod. 21.2. Sometimes the Promife annext is called by the name of a Covenant, by'a like Synechdoche, Gen. 17.7. 1 Will efiablifh my Covenant between me and thee, and thy feed after thee, in their generations for an everlaf ing Covenant to be a God thee, and to thy feed after thee.Gen. g. t r. Sometimes the Seal is called by the name of a Covenant, by way of Metonymy of the adjunFl, ferving to ratifie and confirme a Covenant, Gen. 17.10. Thú is my covenant which ye !hall keep between me and you, and thy feedafter thee, every man- childe among you (hall be cirçumcifed. Sometimes Chrifl the Me iatour of the Covenant is called by a like figure,the Covenant, Ifa. 42.6, 7. I will give thee for a Co- venant of the people, and light unto the Gentiles. Sometimes the Lord Cbrifts undertaking, to work the graces covenanted for, in the hearts of his people, in the way of his power, exerted in the converfion of finners,is called by the name of .a Covenant, 5erem. 31. 33. Thú ù the Covenant that d will make. With the whole hoofe of Ifrael,after thole dayes, /aith the Lord, I will put my Law in their inward parts, andwrite it in their -hearts ; of which more -in its When place, yet neithera.Law, nor a Promife, nor Seal an- next, nor yet 'die Mediatour, or any undertaking of his , can.. he >á Covenant properly fo called. A Law from God-with a Pro- _